on Friday, November 28, 2008, linus! wrote:


It's friday and you've just eaten. You're tired, your work mates are driving you crazy and soon you have to drink fredagsglögg with them, because on sunday it's första advent.

What better way to escape reality then, than to put on your headphones, ignore the big heap of paper work on your desk and play this little mix I made. Imagining today is tomorrow, the office is Pleasant bar, and the half cold coffee in your cup is an Old fashion.

Lenny Drama's Blipp blopp 2 Baile funk mix 1.5

The day after demain


Tomorrow no time 4 sorrow!

We're mixing the fix trix with awesome mayhem at Pleasant (!!!)

Lisa Ambjörn - no by the name of Lisa Ambjärn - is invited.

Mell-B Does a late comeback.

Gave ya'll a little film from when we played in France earlier this year to start the motivation!!!


See you tomorrowz!

on Wednesday, November 26, 2008, Pier wrote:


Next Saturday, this little boy will celebrate with us for DBTY party at Pleasant Bar.
Perfect! He will dance, move hand in the air, and maybe drink beer. Thank you boy!

Bonus :
Pier Dirty Chicken Crew mix
DBTY love that B-more Mix

on Thursday, November 20, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:

Benny is coming!

Apparently my child-hood friend Fifi the Funk is bringning Benny Benassi to Operaterassen - Stockholm - the 11th december. Well thats completely crazy and awesome.

Don't miss it ffs.

on Tuesday, November 18, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:

Don't hate

I LOVE it - cocokids you rock!!!

Cocotaxi - Hate!

on Saturday, November 15, 2008, v för vem wrote:


As you all know by now, big night to night, Sneaky at Nada Bar. I'm going to mention it once again just because its going to be so totally awesome and great! I´m sure you all seen the flyers, the ad in the news paper or got the news off the interweb.

I for one did not get a facebook invitation, but I'm sure that happens all the time, right? I mean, just because your best friend doesn't invite you to his new music "project" that you didn't know about in the first place... Oh yeah, I almost forgot, me and my new friend, err... Paul, made a mix the other day. I... I mean we, used the pacemaker mix tool, mind blowing piece of tecnology!


on Friday, November 14, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:

Sneaky tomorrow

Allthough I love DBTY with all my heart, you sometimes need to do other stuff to widen your horizons. So this saturday I'm playing at Nada Bar in a new dj-formation called Sneaky. It's me and the lovely Nathalie behind the decks, and a full mayhem crowd on the floor.

See you saturday!

Grace - Nightclubbing

on Tuesday, November 11, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:

2 days to go!

I'm not going to be there, but god knows it's going to be awesome.

DBTY mixing it up in Rennes again and that'll be a helluva party. This very thursday, don't miss out boys and girls!

Big up to the whole DBTY-france crew, and and little film to help remenis the last time us swedes visited ya'll.


Pop Champagne

Cette chanson me fait aimer le r'n'b. C'est déjà bien, j'ai toujours du mal à bouger, à danser quand c'est mieleux. Je me sens pas bien. Je pense toujours à ce gros dégueulasse de R-Kelly, et ça me bloque, je me sens pas bien, je me réfugie au bar.

Cette chanson me fait aimer Jim Jones. Là, c'est plus grave. Parce que ce mec, habituellement, il me donne la gerbe. Sa tronche ne me revient pas, j'ai envie de lui donner des claques. Pas méchant, mais des petites claques quand même. Sur ce remix, je l'aime bien. Je le trouve propre sur lui, sympa, le thème de la chanson lui va à merveille et au final, je le trouve peut être plus fort que Juelz Santana. Jamais j'aurai pensé dire cela un jour...

on Wednesday, November 5, 2008, Noobeh wrote:

It's obvious I shan't survive on my wits alone.

As I get older, I can look back at parts of life and discern them more clearly than I have been able to before. I can look back at a moment in my life, say three years back and go, "Wow, I totally mistook basic common decency badly masking mild distaste with attraction" At some precise moments, I can even flash through events, being able to pinpoint the exact moment where my actions had a palpable consequence, to be completely truthful, most of those moments are basically "I shouldnt drink that last shot, I shouldnt drink that last shot, man I totally drank that last shot, now Im so drunk Im mistaking the Top-feeded washer dryer for a toilet. Problem is that if I compare the stupid bullshit I did three years ago with the stupid bullshit I did last weekend I can come to a rather important conclusion.

I'm not getting any smarter.

Actually, if my calcultions are correct (which they might aswell be) Im actually getting stupider. And not your average, run off the mill, Im killing braincells and think that the kids these days talk to fast, I mean getting stupider at an alarming rate. Im not even kidding, a few years ago if you'd asked me "Do you fancy getting shitfaced and re-enacting star wars movies with the use of cellphone sounds" Three years ago i'd be all like: "Dude, Im checking my stocks, SHUT THE HELL UP, I'm about to sell all that good Enron shit"

Ask me that today and i'd be tops like, "All right, but only episode 4-6, I dont play that Phanton Menace bullshit"I bet in a couple of years i'll be ready to re-enact Battle star galactica, woe is me.

Anyways, the only logical conclusion I've come to is that Im getting younger, Im regressing in maturity, untill i'll be a three year old kid in a thirty year old mans pearshaped body.

Now some people would be horrified at the possibillity of actually growing younger, you'll go through puberty again, you'll have all that awkward, "I feel so confused about who I AM" nonsense. But not me, fuck that, I'm tired of having to be so blase about everything, think about it, i'll be a mental sixteen year old kid and i'll go to a bar, it'll be a regular bar, big screen plasma showing something, people drinking beer, the odd harmless insane guy playing Jack Vegas and sneering about some of that trademark crazy talk that only seems to be spoken by people who wear very thick sweaters indoors and scream incoherently how the goverment stole they're mental bandwith.

People like you and me'd be pretty cool about it, "It's a normal bar, nothing special, let's drink a fucking beer and go home before the insane guy tries to cut us with a carpet knife"Sixteen year old me would be like, "OHMIGODTHISISSOAWESOMEMYSPACEKEYBROKE! Is that a guy with a carpet knife?! LOOK AT THAT PLASMA TV, HOW SWEET IS THAT?! THIS PLACE ROCKS"

My point being...Well Im pretty sure I had a point somewhere here...
Anyways, the moral of the story is, I'm becomming younger and I love it.

I'll be forever young!

Ps. Also, five years ago, I was watching documentaries about the second world war narrated by this brittish old geezer with a dry voice saying shit like: General Patton had a problem, the german tank division was only four miles away, and without reinforcements from the allied lines, the men of the 101 airborne were in quite a pickle" Right now, I've just finished watching season three of Digimon , Digimon tamers, which is basically a show about a guy who has a dinosaur that when you feed it it becomes big and red and can shot fireballs...Obviously im getting off track here, but that's whatever I was talking about for you.

Pss. I was totally going to serve you a juicy morsel from V's tables, but I punked out while drawing an architechtural schematic of a gingerbread Deathstar Im planning build. I'll post it later. Dss

For you

Les suédois sont plus présents dans ta vie que tu ne le crois.  La journée type en mode "suédois" : tu te réveilles avec Abba, normal. Petit déjeuner avec tes Krisprols et du lait, Tetra Pak. Tu pars au boulot, tu prends le métro, tu apprends les premières nouvelles de la journée avec ce foutu journal quotidien gratuit Metro. Ca continue, là, fais gaffe, t'as failli te faire écraser par une Volvo "Le Break". Ensuite, tu es au boulot, tu passes tes coups de télephones avec ton Sony-Ericsson. Tes appels ne durent pas, tu t'es fait arnaquer par Tele 2. Dur. Tu finis le boulot. Tu es fatigué, tu n'es plus attentif, attention, tu vas te faire écraser. C'est une Saab ce coup-ci. Tu ne penses désormais qu'à une chose, c'est poser ton cul sur ce cher canapé Tylösand, Ikea. Et, j'oubliais, dans la journée, tu as craqué ton jean H&M à 45 €. 

On peut remercier aujourd'hui, la compagnie internationnal de la mode, de la fashion attitude, H&M, d'avoir donner l'inspiration à un artiste bien de chez nous, j'ai nommé Theobanz. Ce titre est un hit en puissance. Va voir le clip. Et puis, il y a eu le "H&M remix contest tour 2008". Grâce à Hollydjee et Pier, DBTY a dégainé son remix, origine oblige. 

on Monday, November 3, 2008, Martin wrote:

Not real (blood)

Saw this guy in Malmø.
Tight DJ, good track.

Fake Blood - Mars

on Saturday, November 1, 2008, linus! wrote:

We aint got much time left...

... soon, we'll be sitting at our favourite bar, Reisen, zipping awesome cocktails and just.. feel free...

Ricky Blaze - Feel Free feat. Ron Brownz

You will join us, right?