Every remix they make is better then the original. Every single one.
A couple a weeks ago I thought I had actually grown tired of these two italians. But I have not.
Mi piace, sempre sempre.
Is ya'll ready 4 some fancy foot work???
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork (Crookers Rmx)

on Saturday, April 26, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
More of those cool crookers
By: DBTY Int. at 5:24 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, April 19, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Le plus important, c’est la famille
Tu sais que t’as un frère quand t’as faim, et tout d’un coup il crie:
« la pizza chaude ! ».
Un frère est toujours là quand t’en as besoin. Sans ou avec les huîtres.
Un frère t’explique des choses, personne arrive à t’expliquer.
Il te montre des bonnes recettes, comment il faut faire la cuisine.
Un, deux, trois…
Danse La Poutine (Val Téreau Rmx) - Ominkrom Ft. TTC
By: DBTY Int. at 12:02 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Friday, April 18, 2008, Martin wrote:
Two sisters!
This is a good one from Headmans new album. Out now on Gomma.
Headman - Two Sisters
By: Martin at 8:01 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, April 15, 2008, Pier wrote:
Toutes Mes Copines Sont Avec Moi...
C'est une chose qui aurait pu se faire... Je suis vraiment déçu. Mais quand j'entends ça... Stereoheroes! La barre est encore plus haute. C'est du lourd. C'est ce que j'aime entendre un samedi soir après-boulot avec certaines personnes.
Et sinon, là, ce sera pas un vendredi mais un un mercredi. C'est le 7 mai, veille de jour férié. Donc grosse teuf. Faut bien se relacher un peu pendant les exams. Une bonne cuite bien placé qui te rapelle que tu es à la bourre dans tes révisions.
Le 7 mai donc. Tio Paquito pour te mettre dedans. Et Contrescarpe après pour relacher tout stress, toute pression. Stereoheroes ne sera pas là (je promets que ça va se faire...) mais il y a quand même Filip Dean Junior et Dang Khoa. Alors faut venir donner des coups de poings en l'air le 7 mai.
Jean Moustache. Rambonette (Stereoheroes Remix)
By: Pier at 1:30 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, April 13, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
It's not that I don't, but I do
It's not that I dislike it. The problem is rather, I do like it very much. It's just, I kinda dislike the people who generally like it.
What's cool though, is that when you play it to people who thought they disliked it just as much as you dislike the people liking it. They often (not allways) end up liking it too, yes, in a different manner, but still.
It's just good though, so in the end every body should like it. That would be nice.
Y'all follow me?
Delerious (Laidback Luke Rmx) - David Guetta
By: DBTY Int. at 3:55 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Energy Flash
Me, Leo and Jakob had a joint birthday party this friday at Jakobs place. I did some dj'ing; mixed Ken Ring with Joey Beltram and the bassline from Around The World and then Diplos remix of Heater. The usual stuff more or less. But do you all know Joey Beltram? (One of the guys that's mentioned in Daft Punks 'Teachers.)
This track right here is one of my all time faves, so good it hurts:
Joey Beltram - Energy Flash
By: Martin at 2:21 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
A Cockney Thug
Never thought I'd like the dubstep thing. But I do.
Here is Rusko and some swearing:
Rusko - Cockney Thug
By: Martin at 2:11 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, Martin wrote:
Code Barre
Maître dans l'art de l'egotrip, les mégots gisent dans l'métro vide, je m'égosille,
j'ai l'cerveau vide, je vais trop vite sur cette musique électronique, désert hostile
hétéroclite, ai-je l'air hostile ou exotique, intellectuel ou terroriste.
Je reste discret comme un génocide à l'héroïne à peine audible
Emotif je négocie, mes nerfs optiques me terrorisent
Quand j'hallucine c'est personnel comme cette colère qui me sert d'hôtel,
Se mêle au stress, demande au père nöel : une guerre honnête,
protège les gosses d'obèses, prépare les prothèses pour les gosses de l'axe.
Ai-je l'air mauvais, mon thermomètre est erroné, mercurochrome et kerozen,
de la merde jusqu'au trône le cerveau saigne! de la merde jusqu'au trône le cerveau saigne!
Code Barre. La Caution
Après, en gros, c'est pour dire que je ne remercierai jamais assez La Caution.
Et j'en profite pour dire que ça va être bientôt le bordel, le zouc, le dawa... Comme on dit au téléthon : je compte sur vous!
Dont Blame The Youth Party + dbty + Boys On Top @ Rennes. 7 mai.
Petit aperçu :
Moving it over here. Foamo
Fire Gem (Fukkk Offf remix). Maral Salmassi
By: Pier at 1:34 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, April 6, 2008, linus! wrote:
OK, I dont like to do this either, but after some research i noticed that a lot of our visitors came to this blog while googling for Pretty girls and they ended up on Martins post from a while back.. talk about disappointment..
So I thought I would boost our hit ratio again. Therefore, I give you a plate of super hot spicy chicks. Awesome!
And also, I offer some crazy sexy Kuduro. smooth and slick.. almost like a barb wire..
Frederic Galliano - Wa Ya Ya (featuring Pinta Tirru)
By: linus! at 5:47 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: Kuduroon Tuesday, April 1, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Death Metal Mosh Pit!
So since in my real life (IRL) I'm the editor in chief of a magazine that writes about clubs and music and such I was today interviewed by some english gal who worked at some english music mag. And I was asked all these questions ab00t clubbing in Stockholm. And I was all like commaaaan! She was all like is it bad and i was all like ya'll dunno isht itz the bombz!
Don't we have like the coolezt club-town ever? I mean like commaaaan! Like last week I totally posted Style of Eye and now I'm giving ya'll this.
Commaaaan! It's like swedish death metal techno so frickin good one juzz wantz to strangle a little kittin! Dimitry Foyodorov has secured the future growth of good swedish asskicking techstuff for the next at least thirteen yrs!
Yeah man!
Totally exclusiveness!
Dimitry Fyodorov - Signal
By: DBTY Int. at 4:10 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us