Another dope ep from the Top Billin camp!

on Tuesday, March 29, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
By: DBTY Int. at 7:02 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Swick, Top Billinon Saturday, March 26, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
The Eye of Eden: The Present/Future Mixtape
Our homie Eden Bambino has done it again, after blessing us with several dope mixes, he now has contributed all his skill (and that means a lot) in to one huge DBTY/12-3 dedication mix.
DBTY! + 12-3 Records - The Present/Future Mixtape by Eden Bambino
We are extremely proud to promote this. Here's what Eden himself has to say about it:
First of all I'm really honored to make this mixtape. It means a lot to me, I want to celebrate the success of DBTY! Records as well as the launching of the sister label 12-3 Recordings by Sticky Stockholm and also our friendship.
The flow of the mix is to keep the listeners unexpected of what's to come next, at the same time, tells a story, create a journey, a situation and end the mix on a beauty note.
I first noticed DBTY! Records (Stockholm, Sweden) after hearing Jasta by Legobeat while browsing through music blogs, it grabbed my attention immediately. It's intelligent and absolutely banging not because it's loud but because it's subtitle and contains only what's necessary to make people dance. I emailed them, remixed one of their track with my friend VJ Sweetalker, kept in touch and the rest is history. The selection for this compilation label mix is to express my respect and impression of the label. From their selection of artists, the originals and remixes that they put out, they are really forward thinking and pushing the boundaries. Showcasing global music, from Dub to techno to house to soulful house and beyond. The selection is mix of B sides and A sides from the releases and forthcoming releases, and let the world anticipate what has DBTY! and 12-3, THE BEST DANCEHALL LABELS OF SWEDEN has prepared for the future, keeping the world on it's toes. Damn exciting!
By: DBTY Int. at 8:27 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: 12-3 Recordings, Akwaabarama Mix, DBTY, The Eye of Edenon Friday, March 25, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Botany Bay - A better way (Daniel Klauser remix)
More free remixes for ya'll! Good week!
Chillean producer and dj Daniel Klauser blesses us with a two track remix pack of the dopest kind. Cop these tracks!
Botany Bay - A better way (Daniel Klauser remix) by klwzer
By: DBTY Int. at 11:53 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Botany Bay, Daniel Klauseron Thursday, March 24, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Dead Rock Machine - I Got The Gist 68 (Mackpaye Remix)
French super talented wizz kid Mackpaye just dropped this great remix on his Soundcloud. Its a subtle yet pounding club banger, so grab it straight away!
Dead Rock Machine - I Got The Gist 68 (Mackpaye Remix) by Mackpaye
By: DBTY Int. at 10:32 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Dead Rock Machine, Mackpayeon Wednesday, March 23, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
One magic, brilliant, excellent, eclectic, raw, perfect ep. So many huge tracks on this beauty, we dont even know where to begin.
SNATCH! 013 V.A. BDAY BASH! EP by SnatchRecords
By: DBTY Int. at 4:07 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Homework, Pirupa, Riva Starr, Snatch RecordsJaques Greene - Another Girl
Sweet video for one dope track!
By: DBTY Int. at 10:56 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Jaques Greene, videoon Tuesday, March 22, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
R.I.P Loleatta Holloway
So sad, one of the great voices.
By: DBTY Int. at 11:32 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Loleatta Hollowayon Monday, March 21, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Camel - Coconuts (Leg-No Remix)
Sweet summery vibe on this freebie from Italian producer Leg-No. Kickstart your monday!
Camel - Coconuts (Leg-No Remix) by Leg-No
By: DBTY Int. at 11:15 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Camel, House, Leg-Noon Saturday, March 19, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Veronica Maggio - Måndagsbarn (Sticky Stockholm Remix)
New Bootleg from the DBTY Camp. Sticky Stockholm provides a house banger with tropical influences. A bootleg remix of swedish singer Veronica Maggio and her soulful track Måndagsbarn.
Måndagsbarn (Sticky Stockholm Remix) by Sticky Stockholm
By: DBTY Int. at 11:53 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Remix, Sticky Stockholm, Veronica Maggioon Friday, March 18, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote: - All Around Me
Super productive DBTY-homeboy O.Live.R drops one AMAZING Shelter House track, free and all. A huge big up for this killer. Should work in the early part of a set, as well as the later, darker hours. - All Around Me by Productions
By: DBTY Int. at 10:18 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels:, Shelter Houseon Thursday, March 17, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Orphans STHLM - The Heist EP
New release from 12-3 Recordings! Big debut from these Stockholm boys, check it!
Stockholm duo Orphans STHLM makes their debut on 12-3 Recordings with a pounding, classic sounding tech house-track. Light stabbing samples, great breakdowns and epic build ups defining The Heist, as we are most proud of releasing it.
Orphans STHLM share a long passion for house music, a nerdy interest in obscure label catalogues, and loves video games. Their tunes share a freshness easy to appreciate. They are, to describe it in two words, nice dudes.
Do not sleep on this one, you need it in your sets!
#004: Orphans STHLM - The Heist EP - [FULL PREVIEW] - Release 23032011 by 12-3 Recordings
By: DBTY Int. at 10:43 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: 12-3 Recordings, EP, Orphans STHLMon Wednesday, March 16, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Its such a sad day: Nate Dogg and Institubes
Strange news this morning: Nate Dogg is dead and Institubes closing shop.
There's no way we can pay tribute to both Nate Dogg and Institubes in one blogg post, or in a million. But beleive us when we say that this singer, and this label, though from different worlds, meant the world to us.
Epic singer and hit-maker Nate Dogg died tonight. He made us understand the meaning of a hit. A genious in so many ways.
Regulate - Warren G and Nate Dogg
Also, the news that Institubes is going to close shop reached us. A label that in so many ways defined us as dj:s, and modern dance music as genre. Their importance is beyond description.
Bobmo - To The Bobmobile (Institubes)
Both those things at the same time. Sad.
Lets remeber these musical institutions with a smile!
By: DBTY Int. at 11:49 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Bobmo, Institubes, Nate Dogg, Regulateon Tuesday, March 15, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Our Finland favs Femme en Fourrure drops one massive, dark, pounding and club adapted monster of an Ep on the always fat Top Billin label!
By: DBTY Int. at 8:40 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: EP, Femme En Fourrure, Top Billinon Monday, March 14, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Ison och Fille - Galen
By: DBTY Int. at 2:46 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Ison och FilleZombie Disco Squad - Pinky & The Brain EP
Brittish house pioneers and DBTY favourites ZDS never dissapoints, and this is going to be one brilliant ep. We are looking forward!
The Brain - Sound Cloud edit - low bit rate by ZDS
By: DBTY Int. at 12:53 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: House, Zombie Disco SquadOrphans STHLM - Barbarians of Tech Mix
Super dope mix by our homies in Orphans STHLM! Kickstart your monday! Also, a heads up for their debut ep dropping on 12-3 Recordings in two weeks. Bam!
Balanga Megamix vol. 16: Barbarians of Tech mix by orphanssthlm
By: DBTY Int. at 10:20 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Mix, Orphans STHLMon Friday, March 11, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Pastor Wiberg Radio Show - March 2011
This might be the best episode yet, from our south bound homies in Pastor Wiberg. Take a listen, its well worth your time.
By: DBTY Int. at 4:06 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Massive release from the always great Top Billin label! Big up Gnucci and the others!
By: DBTY Int. at 10:52 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Gnucci Banana, Sampology, Spoek, Top Billinon Thursday, March 10, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Club Cheval - Promo Vid 2011
Club cheval 2011 from Narco Media Vision / NARCOTV on Vimeo.
Magnificent promo-clip from the brilliant Club Cheval Crew! Joy to watch!
By: DBTY Int. at 12:49 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Club Cheval, videoon Wednesday, March 9, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Jaekim - Highlight Of The Day (Matheus Komar Remix)
We dont really know who Matheus Komar is. He mailed us with some kind words, and a tune! This is most def a dope track. Uptempo, housy remix of a classic track. Big up! And extra big up to Matheus for coming from Stockholm, the towns bubbling with talent!
Jaekim - Highlight Of The Day (Noi's 'Going Back to Paris' Remix) by matheuskomar
By: DBTY Int. at 1:34 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Jesse Rose - Sleep Less Remixes EP
More amazing stuff from the always epic Made To Play-label. Big, biiig EP! Dont sleep on this one!
MTP037 Jesse Rose - Sleep Less Remixes EP [Advance Preview] by Made to Play
By: DBTY Int. at 10:47 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Jesse Rose, Made to Playon Monday, March 7, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Onyenze - Onwa Nna Na Nwa (Schlachthofbronx Remix)
This banger dropped today - hystericly fat!
Big up Akwaaba!
And dont forget to support the release here.
Onyenze - Onwa Nna Na Nwa (Schlachthofbronx Remix) by schlachthofbronx
By: DBTY Int. at 12:32 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Schlachthofbronxon Saturday, March 5, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Zef Jam #3 - Boom Brothers
Double up! Our homies Hat+Hoodie hosts the awesome bass-podcast Zef Jam, this time with guest mix from our homies Boom Brothers. Get in this mix asap, its banging in every sense of the word. Smack!
Big up Hat+Hoodie and Boom Brothers!
01 Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften, Kapitel 1 – Wolfram Berger liest Robert Musil
+ Yo-Landi & Ninja (Die Antwoord) explaining the concept of Zef
02 Chicken Run (Panteros666 Remix) – Canblaster
03 Kanshu – The Criime
04 Mexer (Funkin Matt 5am Remix) – Gregor Salto
05 Mac Lovin – Legobeat
06 Balloons (Sharkslayer VIP) – Them Jeans
07 Rwall (Samo Sound Boy Remix) – Myd
08 Taking It All – Samo Sound Boy
09 A Mi A Loco – Douster
10 Crazyfunkystyle – The Partysquad
11 Drop Acid (Kassiano Remix) – Bart B More & Tommie Sunshine
12 Ugly (Oliver Twizt Bootleg) – Bubba Sparkxxx
13 Clockworks – Canblaster
14 The Test ft. Shunda K – Flore
15 Clap – So Shifty feat. Ward 21 & Natalie Storm
16 Eu Fumo (The Bumps Remix) – Mr Bongo Bass
17 Getting Mine (Drumstrumental Mix) – T. Williams
18 Marawa – Savage Skulls
19 Tropical Heat – Boy 8-Bit
20 Bad Gal (with Savage Skulls & Douster) – Robyn
21 Arroz Con Pollo (Orion Edit) – Heartbreak
22 Chambacu – Schlachthofbronx
23 Rooster Riddim (Joelito Dead Rooster Blend) – Legobeat
24 The Rattle – J-Wow
25 Nappy Head (French Fries Remix) – Bambounou
26 Meltdown – Ill Blu
27 Villalobos for Presidente (Dubbel Dutch Remix) – Yolanda Be Cool
28 Brave (Dark Sky Remix) – Kelis
By: DBTY Int. at 12:23 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Boom Brother, Zef Jamon Friday, March 4, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Background (from XLR8):
"While in Hawaii over two weeks ago, Dutch moombahton DJ/producer (and former Bubblin' subject) Munchi suffered a seizure caused by an intracerebral hemorrhage that hit the artist completely out of nowhere. He was subsequently rushed to the hospital, where he spent nine hours in a coma and 11 days in recovery. With medical, travel, and prescription bills piling up, a few of Munchi's DJ compatriots—Dave Nada, DJ Ayres and Tittsworth—decided to help. Vowing to match all donations, the trio set up a Help Munchi page on GiveLoop, and the money, much of it coming from the DJ community, quickly began to trickle in. Amazingly, many of the goals set early on have been met, but most of those estimates were overly conservative and help is very much still needed. Donations are still being accepted, and if you're looking to help out, we suggest giving to the General Donation category, so funds can be distributed to the necessary areas at will."
Now - go to MunchAid and help out!
By: DBTY Int. at 2:58 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Thursday, March 3, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
HIGH POWERED BOYS - 'Udon / Work' EP (Sound Pellegrino)
The next drop from the majestic Sound Pellegrino label is a bomb, one of their biggest yet, in our humble oppinion. Bobmo and Surkin form the superduo High Powered Boys and unleashes this killer.
We are psyched!
HIGH POWERED BOYS 'Udon / Work' EP preview by soundpellegrino
By: DBTY Int. at 12:27 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Banger, High Powered Boys, Sound Pellegrinoon Wednesday, March 2, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Daniel Klaüser - Aboriginal EP
New, big EP from our homies Daniel Klauser and Antartek!
Daniel Klaüser comes back with a fresh EP in which he evoked his imagination into this magical rhythms to take you back in time and impress your mind with the landscapes of the old world.
Aboriginal EP is a journey to the lands of our ancestors and the moment when the seeds of "Mestizaje" were sown.
Cop the EP for free - here
By: DBTY Int. at 1:46 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Antartek, Daniel KlauserMackpaye - Appeal / Fragrance EP
French wonderchild Mackpaye, Reims-based DJ and producer, blesses us and the 12-3 catalogue with a smooth two track EP. Appeal / Fragrance is both pounding and nostalgic, one impressive piece of work from this young fellow!
The EP drops on all digital stores in one week. But get a taste of the preview right now!
#003: Mackpaye - Appeal / Fragrance EP [PREVIEW] - Release: 09032011 by 12-3 Recordings
By: DBTY Int. at 10:20 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: 12-3 Recordings, Crisp EP, House, Mackpayeon Tuesday, March 1, 2011, DBTY Int. wrote:
Diamond Bass - Se Prepara EP
Beast of an EP from Enchufada and the talented Diamond Bass. BOOM!
By: DBTY Int. at 10:28 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Banger, Diamond Bass, Enchufada, EP