Every time we dj i fall in love
I know this is getting tjatigt, but i love u, us. Som m,uch.
I love very much Dont Blame The YoutH!
I aMA Wasted... a bit,.
I am getting married soon.
Tonight was hjust awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Tnajk s to martin hery liinlinini amd also that geeky shoré and all our possé that supported d to the b in the war!!!!!!
Leslei. Limit to your love.
if you didnt understans dis song is dfor you guys.
i do love you.

on Sunday, December 23, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
By: DBTY Int. at 4:09 AM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, December 19, 2007, linus! wrote:
another day in hell..
In this time of madness, vice-magazines, americanaparell-stores, oversized(remember, its not the same as "too big") fluo print shirts, rayban wayfarers that everybody suddently found at home, or maybe at their grandparents's, and just thought they where tooo cool, (or, just those huge nerd glasses, even worse!), parties sponsored by beer companies with overprized beer, clothes that went from second hand to vintage over a night, wheather so cold the balls fall off everytime you have to go to work, a goverment that's tired of doing stuff, so they sell out everything, hoping that somebody else will do stuff for them, microsoft buying a teeny weeny bit(1.6 percent) of a website(I bet a dollar no one will even remember what facebook was in five years!) for a fucking ridicoulous amount of money (240 million dollars!), it is nice too think about di holy maddaland for a while..
Junior Kelly - Ethiopia
Mulatu Atatke - Yèkèrmo Sèw (A Man of Experience and Wisdom) (you might recognize this one from the broken flowers soundtrack...)
..And be sure to check out Johans post(and torrent link) about the best rnb album this year at The day we lost the soul
By: linus! at 5:17 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: dance hall, ethiopian, Reggaeon Wednesday, December 12, 2007, Martin wrote:
Nevermind the robot voice
Ruben wants me to write something to each post. But frankly I can't imagine someone who actually want's to read something "funny" or "smart" or a drunk tale about my last night (was at work until late, had a great bacon and cheese burger at a place that didn't even sell beer!!). Anyway, this track is from the new Ready For The Floor singel. The kings from Ghent remixed it and it's really good.
Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor (Soulwax Dub)
By: Martin at 10:08 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, December 10, 2007, Martin wrote:
Techno from the crouch
Feel free to make up your own witty jokes about a) your dad b) pungen c) something made out of leather that carries one or two balls d) anything about the crouch.
Hugg & Pepp - Pung
By: Martin at 3:09 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, December 9, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
E alora?
The place blew up each time I played Crookers at Spy Bar.
Friday wasn’t the greatest club we’ve played in, but when Gorky’s voice was lowered down in that Africa Africa-break in the Crookers Remix of Gasolina it felt so good.
Et ils sont des Italiens, franchement, c’est pas ouf ça ?
Je sortais avec une Italienne pendant un an et demi, et tous que j’ai vu c’était des boîtes avec des piscines et du feu partout, des petits cocktails rose avec des baies et des mec qui se rasent les jambes au moins une fois par semaine.
Je trouve les italiens super bizarres. Un pays avec 99% tribal-house et des chemises en argent, et puis t’as Crookers.
Mi piace !
The Way I Are (Crookers Remix) - Timbaland
The Salmon Dance (Crookers Remix) - The Chemical Brothers
By: DBTY Int. at 6:10 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, December 8, 2007, linus! wrote:
Boom! Boom! Boom!
I never thought that we actually would get to the point that a cover of Vengaboys -Boom! Boom! Boom! would hit us, (actually, according to wikipedia vengaboys song is just a cover as well, but who cares?) and when it actually does, its of course by the king of sleeazy-cheezy covers with stupid lyrics, Mr. Elephant Man.
Elephant Man - Boom Boom Boom (Up & Live riddim)
I guess it was just a matter of time though, everybody seems to love the 90's nowadays.. Soon, im sure Vengaboys will join Spice girls on their "long awaited" tour. Hopefully, Sweden is too far away, and too hard to get ahold of drugs for them to bother to come here..
Vocie Mail - Up & Live (Up & Live riddim)
By: linus! at 2:43 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: dance hallon Wednesday, December 5, 2007, Martin wrote:
Future Addiction
In a not so distant future we will have 3d-capable flash sites, wifi-syncing iPhones and, yes you're right!, the fifth Kitsuné Maison compilation.
Until the 10th of december:
Alan Braxe - Addicted
Ps. It's crazy good!
By: Martin at 11:41 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, December 4, 2007, Shoré wrote:
Hickeys and Handcuffs
When I was a little girl I used to drive my older brother nutts playing the same song on repeat for hours and hours. I don’t think it was as much the songs being played over and over again as me actually singing/rapping along EVERY TIME that bothered him so much you could actually see his head turn red and then explode.
I still do this shit ‘cause of two things: first when I love sumthin I love it, and second I’m a real lyrics fascist.
So if your lyrics are made of bullshit you can back it up with a beat that just can’t leave the listner sitting still and a catchy bullshit chorus. like dancehall, reaggeaton and Kelis always do. Listen to this and you’ll be singing about hickeys in no time. Kelis - Ah shit
Now mr Hova has dropped a new album namned American Gangstar. Like always with Jay-Z the production of this album is phat with a capital P. I really liked it the first time I listend to it, but it just doesn’t make me wanna press the repeat button on my stereo or even learn the lyrics so I can sing along (which I do, as I pointed out earlier, to the point where peoples heads blow off). Fallin’ featuring Bilal makes me wanna listen to my Bilal album, Party life makes me wanna listen to some old soul music and Blue magic (which is my favorite so far) could as well have been instrumental with just Pharrell singing the chorus. And this isn’t cause i don’t like Jay-Z, Reasonable Doubt is one of my alltime favorite hip hop albums.
Lupe Fiascos new album Trials and Tribulations on the other hand is totally made of awesome. The song Handcuffs has been making the furniture in my appartment vibrate for a whole week now. Download it, then turn your volume up to maximum. it's kind of like Xibit said "With a dick in your ear, you still couldn't fuck with his sound"
By: Shoré at 7:45 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, December 3, 2007, Pier wrote:
Boys On Top
Rencontre avec Filip Dean Junior. Un bon gars comme il faut qui fait suer les jeunes clubbers rennais. Au fait, Filip, merci pour le set que t'as laché après Bonde Do Role... Vivement la prochaine! Oh putain! La prochaine, c'est déja dans 4 jours!!! Alors les gens, allez foutre votre bordel aux Trans!
DBTY. Est-ce que tu peux nous retracer brievement ton parcours?
FILIP. Philippe, 22 ans, enfant des années 90 nourrit à la house filtrée, l'euro-dance et le rap mainstream qui passaient en boucle au top 50 de MTV. Puis la culture skate à l'adolescence m'a converti à des trucs musicalement plus pointu : du punk dégueulasse des Misfits, au rap futuriste de Cannibal Ox, en passant par l'electro compliquée de Richard D. James. Maintenant, surtout un fan d'Acid House, de Techno minimal germanique et de turbines anglaises produites par Dave "Switch" Taylor.
L'esprit de mes mixs sont à l'image d'un peu tout ça : pleins de choses improbables mises ensembles dans le but de faire suer le maximum de gens.
DBTY. Est-ce qu'en plus des mixs, tu vas passer à la prod?
Filip. A vrai dire, j'y travaille de pied ferme depuis quelques mois avec mon ami Henry Quatre/Dang Khoa. On éspère pouvoir d'ici début 2008, faire écouter des choses prometteuses aux gens.
DBTY. Juste 2 mots:
DBTY. Petit agenda de boys on top ?
FILIP. Le nouvel an Dirty Boyz au Mondo Bizarro à Rennes : en association avec les soirées We Like it Dirty.
En 2008 pas mal de choses en préparation, certainement des soirées régulières au Mondo Bizarro avec des invités de luxe qu'on a rarement ou jamais l'ocasion de voir à Rennes...
Puis, là on bosse avec le collectif Je Deteste la Musique (http://www.myspace.com/jdtstlmsq), originaire de Grenoble, pour 2 soirées communes (à Rennes d'abord, puis la semaine d'après sur Grenoble) : ça devrait voir le jour courant Février 2008.
DBTY. Mot de la fin?
FILIP. Merci à vous, venez nombreux aux Transmusicales le Vendredi 7 Decembre. Et préparez vous pour la Nerds Can Dance 3, qui aura lieu à l'UBU fin Mars 2008 : soirée de l'année !
D'ici là, venez sur ma page régulièrement, un mix à downloader chaque mois. Bisou
Filip Dean Junior. Jew "E" December Mix
By: Pier at 11:31 AM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: B-more, Electro, Euro-Dance, mixtapeon Sunday, December 2, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
Red Red Cap
So almost everything in my life has been related to that short Italian guy with the jolly moustache and the funny pants for the last two weeks.
First my brother bought Super Mario Galaxy, which is like magic on a screen. Perhaps the most awesome game this year, though this gaming year has been the craziest since 2002, which makes it the craziest gaming year ever.
Super Mario Galaxy is, anywho, one of the three best games released in 2007. It’s fucking controller-pad-perfection. The graphics, sound and the over all aesthetics suck ass, but who cares when it feels like being in that song Flowing by Sade when playing it.
Now the guy who invented Mario is of course Shigeru Miyamoto. He’s this kind of geeky Japanese dude. But he’s also one of this towns most talented producers of electronic music.
Shigeru started sending over his songs to our DBTY-mailbox about the same time a started playing Super Mario Galaxy: now is that a coincidence or fate?
Who knows.
What I do know is that Happy Drummer Boy is his most greatest song yet.
Thank you!
By: DBTY Int. at 5:38 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us