Hello dudes and dudettes!
So here it is - finally! – this springs most colourfull mix – a twenty some mins of beautiful fidget and b-more from the Legobeat duo.
Included you’ll find what pretty much resembles one of our live-sets. Epic house from our favourite producers in the game. Some rather new tunes from our Stockholm home boys Cocotaxi and Lorentz/M. Sakarias. Some b-more classics.
And of course: Two Legobeat exclusives.
Get it now:
It's Brand Awesome - The Legobeat April 09 Mix

on Sunday, March 29, 2009, DBTY Int. wrote:
It's Brand Awesome!
By: DBTY Int. at 1:45 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: B-more, Fidget, mixtapeon Friday, March 20, 2009, linus! wrote:
The Downturn
So, there's a lot of talk about The Big Downturn in the economy nowadays. I don't know, I quit my job right in time for the shit to hit the fan so I'm pretty sure my empty wallet is mostly my fault.
But that it would go this far, I had no idea:
"They smoking my oooiiii up, drinking all my liqueur up... ...Tell me, who let them girls in?"
Phyzikal - Who Let Em In Feat. Jazze Pha & The Dream
Hmm, for as long as I've listened to hiphop and r&b - and now I'm talking about the 'comercial' side of the genres - one of the biggest subjects always has been to show of all the money you got. How much champagne you can afford, Cristal, Courvoisier, Patron etc. And how much girls you got around you...
You know all you gotta do is tell me what you zippin on/and I promise Ima keep it coming all night long. That kind of shit...
You really know that the economy is going south when even the blingblingy showoffs of hiphop gets all cheap and grumpy and greedy...
And speaking of Patron, since it's been such a big buzz about that here lately (some advertising agency must be doing something right), heres a big tune:
DJ Class - I'm The Ish Feat. Jermaine Dupri, Trey Songz & Lil Jon (Remix)
I got diamonds on my neck, I got Patron in my cup/...
Yeah, I know, these arent exactly brand new tunes in the bloggosphere, but they're still brand awesome.
By: linus! at 12:09 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: Hip-hop, Patron, R'n'B.on Thursday, March 19, 2009, Pier wrote:
C'est qui le patron?
Hier, j'ai bu du Patron. Au passage, un grand merci à Andreas Bergmann (si un jour tu passes à Stockholm, un passage au Reisen Bar est obligé). La bouteille vient du Mexique, importé par une entreprise basé à Las Vegas ; que ensuite un Danois a acheté durant ses vacances dans la capitale mondiale du vice ; que le meilleur barman de Stockholm s'est procuré lors d'un passage à Copenhague ; enfin, que nous avons dégusté hier soir lors d'une réunion dbty. Cet alcool est dingue. Pour information, le Patron est le nouvel alcool en vogue dans les milieux Hip-Hop américain, qui commençait sérieusement à se lasser du Courvoisier et autres alcools champêtres français.
J'aimerai bien m'afficher avec une bouteille aux prochaines soirées DBTY. Enivré et énervé par le Patron, je passerai un peu de Fidget/Electrique Beat/Fidget House/Techno/Gutter Fidget, genre Disco Trash Music.
Digitalism - Taken Away (Disco Trash Music Remix)
Disco Trash Music - hacksaw lover
C+C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat (Disco Trash Music Remix)
By: Pier at 3:48 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: Disco Trash Music, Fidget, Germany, House, Patron, TechnoDress on, dress off
And the Legobeat Saga continues.
New tune up:
Dress 2 Sweat (Legobeat Epic Remix) - Rod Lee
A melodic remix of the ever persistent Rod Lee, with a b-moreish touch to it.
Do not forgetz to check out our myspace either: CLICKZ HERE!
More is on it's way!
Ps. Yesterday i drank Patron with parts of the DBTY-crew. It was awesome. From hereon i would only be drinking that if they payed me. Now you know Patron!
By: DBTY Int. at 9:22 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: B-more, Legobeat, Patronon Friday, March 13, 2009, linus! wrote:
Do you remember that old episode of Friends when Rachel tries to cook, but by mistake glue two pages of the recipe book together so she makes half a lasagna and half a pancake cake? Everybody, of course, thinks it tastes really awful, except Joey who says something like "What? Pasta - GOOOOD, jam - GOOOOD, meat - GOOOOD, whipped cream - GOOOOD!"
That's kind of how I thought when I made this song. Bmore - GOOOOD, Dancehall - GOOOOD, Airhorns - GOOOOD, Breaks - GOOOD, Baile funk - GOOOOOD, dirty lyrics - GOOOOOD, Ward 21 - GOOOOD!
So there you have it, the world premier and the very first release from our side project LEGOBEAT (check out our myspace also!), an awesome mix of everything we like. Exclusive to all the good readers of DBTY.
Legobeat - Da Pum Feat. Ward21 (Lenny Drama's favela remix)
(in 320 kbs of course)
By: linus! at 9:01 AM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: B-more, baile funk, dance hall, Legobeaton Thursday, March 12, 2009, Pier wrote:
"The line-up is pretty sick"
Ouais, la line-up est folle. Ce n'est pas moi qui le dis, c'est discobelle. J'ai un peu de mal à imaginer, à anticiper cette soirée.
Ca risque juste d'être un joyeux bordel. C'est la releasefest och konsert de Lorentz & M.Sakarias.
Vu le programme, 50 DJ, ça risque de terminer en bagarre. Youhou! Bagarre!
By: Pier at 8:32 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: 90's, blogg-rap, DBTY, Hip-hop, House, Lorentz M.Sakariason Friday, March 6, 2009, Pier wrote:
Dans la famille Fidget je demande le fils… Douster ! Bien vu! Je continue à présenter la famille. Je l'aime bien cette famille, et elle s'agrandit dis-donc. Tant mieux pour ceux qui aime faire n'importe quoi sur le dancefloor, tanpis pour les allemands.
Collaboration avec Arcade, partenariat avec Wellgosh, complicité avec toi jeune fou.
Douster x Arcade - Wellgosh Wasted Mix
By: Pier at 3:29 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: Arcade, Douster, Fidget, Houseon Monday, March 2, 2009, Pier wrote:
"Non mais tu ne connais rien…" À en croire un bon nombre de personnes, si tu écoutes de la fidget, tu es et resteras un "mauvais". Je préfere ma fidget stupide, chaude, fun, alcoolique, vivante à ta minimal techno froide, triste, malheureuse et selective.
Et ne crois surtout pas que je ne m'y connais pas en techno.
Dem Slackers a tout compris.
Rubix - 'Baiser Sur La Disco (Original Mix)'
Bird Peterson - 'Twurk Central (Original Mix)'
Warboy - 'London's Getting Dirty (Jackinori Mix)'
B. Rich feat. Whiskey Pete - 'Ain't Here To Party (Breakdown Mix)'
Hot Chip - 'Touch Too Much (Fake Blood Mix)'
Dem Slackers - 'Snail Trail (Original Mix)'
Edu K Vs Scott Cooper feat. Lella - 'Doo Dah Dub (Original Mix)'
Boemklatsch - 'Bonafied (Dem Slackers Mix)'
Stereo Heroes - 'Poundcakes (WWF Promo Version)'
Wolfgang Gartner - 'Flashback (Original Mix)'
MGMT - 'Kids (Bass Weazal & Mikey Hook Mix)'
D.I.M. - 'Is You (Original Mix)'
Calvertron - 'Doggy Style (Original Mix)'
Jon Kennedy feat. Mr Eyez - 'Jakk'd 'N Screw'd (Dem Slackers VS Mom & Dad Remix)'
Calvertron & Kieran Brindley - 'Stumble (The Bulgarian Mix)'
Sound Of Stereo - 'Heads Up (Mightyfools Mix)'
By: Pier at 3:28 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: Dem Slackers, Electro, Fidget, House