Ces mecs m'ont ramené quelques années en arrière. Genre à la planète de Donkey Kong sur France 2, ou encore le comics que j'allai acheté entre deux pochettes panini. Alors, déjà pour ça, merci à Stereoheroes.
J'ai grandi. Au revoir la cour de récré. Bonjour le dancefloor. Donc, aujourd'hui, ça donne ça :
Stereoheroes. The NLLR Mixtape Project

on Friday, March 28, 2008, Pier wrote:
By: Pier at 10:02 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
We love us ...
... and because of that, im going to write some shameless self promotion. Dbty, in cooperation with kalendarium.se, tries to get your party started today with Fredagspepp.
Che-che-che-che-check it out!
By: linus! at 3:26 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, March 26, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
The Cake is a lie!
On public demand, more from the ever so awesome Style Of Eye.
Sweeter Than Fever - Style of Eye Remix
And, mmm yes, before my french collegaue spits it out:
Grande Soirée De Pute - Club Don't Blame The Youth in Rennes France
@ Contrescarpe the 7th!
All must party, all must dance, there will be Kickersbar.
Frickin frick thats awesum! And pherhaphs there'll be a little swedish surprise well there?
If I'm going I'm totally passing like 50% Style of Eye-tunes.
By the way, can't really call myself DJ T'inkiet if im playing in froggy-land. Thinkin about Dj Companion Cube as a new alias. How's that for a gaming-name!?
By: DBTY Int. at 1:58 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, March 22, 2008, linus! wrote:
This is a quick slap!
Hi all.
just a reminder, DBTY Rockerz iz playin at Pleasant tonight.. Dont miss!
Swedish Love Story - Quick slap
(For those of you who doesnt know SLS, they're the "new" project of Swedens best soul-funk-ish-singer Kaah. Kind of Awesome... )
By: linus! at 11:31 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Friday, March 21, 2008, Martin wrote:
French bombs
I don't know if this is a french plane. To me it looks a bit english. Any war specilists out there who can tell? But! If you french guys are in need of doing some good old dropping bombs from planes anytime soon this would be my tip for you: here is Alex Gophers new release - I'm sure it will work as a warhead of some sort in your next battle.
Please let me know.
Alex Gopher - Aurora
By: Martin at 11:37 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
What makes the heart beat
This is just a heads up: The Pacemaker will soon be here.
I've had the chance to play with it some three or four times now and it's awesome. Totally made of awesome. Like, puts a new dimension in to our dj-sets.
Wanna see it in action? Gardendwarf will be playing with it at Pleasant Bar this very saturday, and later on i'll be using it at Club Folket the 4:th of april.
Pacemaker is like the future of dj:ing, only it's actually existing now.
Big up to our friends at Risky Bizniz who put together a nice little thirty min mix with it here.
Chex it out, and see ya'll saturday!
By: DBTY Int. at 12:29 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, March 19, 2008, Pier wrote:
Sensation étrange...
Sensation étrange de bien se faire niquer la gueule en ce moment. Maintenant, c'est l'usine. C'est quand même eux qui ont plus ou moins inventé l'euro-dance. Je sais pas moi, leur truc, c'est de faire du lourd, de l'efficace juste après que les autres se soient essouflés. Et bien, là, maintenant, nous sommes en train de prendre très cher. Ils ont tué la chose dans la fin des années 90. On a ensuite de notre coté, recommencé. On a reconstruit. Et de nouveau, ils reviennent.
J'ai entendu il y a pas longtemps : "Dieu c'est Daft Punk, Daft Punk c'est maintenant Justice, et les nouveaux Justice, c'est Crookers." Du Crookers, on en a mangé cet hiver. Et vu le potentiel, c'est possible, qu'on en ai encore pour longtemps.
His majesty andre, donc. Nous avons ici de charmants jeunes hommes d'origine evidemment italienne. Ces messieurs font également de la musique. Alors, oui, c'est pas mal. C'est même très bien. Mais maintenant, il faut s'en méfier des italiens.
His Majesty Andre. Roxxx
Et, puis, il y a ça. Ce mec, il a les memes chaussures que moi. La chanson est énorme.
Utah Saints. Something Good 08
By: Pier at 1:52 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, March 18, 2008, linus! wrote:
Fat boys!
Dont know much about these dudes actually.. not more than they got clean beats and a nice somekind of old-schoolish rap style.. they sound kinda like Louis Logic meets Rick Ross.. I think.. ..naah.. ..ah, whatever, its getting late and im getting ready to sleep.
But you shouldnt!
Sleep that is..
..on this song that is! Which means you should click the little link below.
To download that is.. the song.. that is..
Pacific Division - F.A.T. Boys '08
P.S. And dont forget to check out their Myspace for more!
P.S.2. Haha, you gotta listen at their "No homo" on the myspace.. awesome..
By: linus! at 11:30 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Jabamena baby, Kawaii baby!
If you've been following the blog you might have noticed that I'm some what of a lyrical fascist. Just for you to get an idea of my lyrical mania I can let you know that I knew Tupacs All eyez on me album by heart when I was eleven. And it's a freakin dubbel album!!
So listening to French rap, Yelle, Crockers or Baile Funk is somewhat of a challenge cause I never learn the lines. Instead I make up my own words that sound like whatever they're saying. Kind of like kids imitating english!
Tokyo group Teriyaki Boyz look like a japanes version of the Beastie Boys dressed in A Bathing Ape Clothes (Not so strange since Nigo the founder of Bape is a group member). Anyway, combine that with Busta Rhymes and Pharrell and you have pure perfection... and me going "jabamena baby, kawaaii baby, zock on zock on!"
Teriyaki Boyz ft Pharrell and Busta Rhymes - Zock on
By: Shoré at 4:20 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, March 16, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Sweden Oh Sweden
This week-end we've played two rather big venues in two days. Friday we had a DBTY-all out night at Nalen Bar with Club Everywhere, and yesterday T'inkiet (that would be me) and Vemdetta of DBTY played at Grodan.
The diversity of Swedish clubs and music is impressive, so is the quality. From times to times Swedish clubbing culture really sucks, makes you start thinking about moving to Paris. But then you have those rare moments when everything just works out perfectly, and i guess they are totally worth waiting for. In between times one just has to focus on improving and having as much fun as possible.
Here's a nice tune produced by Swedish superdude Style of Eye, it has something in it that makes me think of those beautiful moments when sweat is dripping from the sealing, people are dancing shirtless and you feel like your'e in the best place on earth. A reminder of how it should allways be.
Style of Eye - The Prophet
By: DBTY Int. at 2:28 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Oncle Phil = Rick Ross
Une fois, je parlais avec Jim ou Smat, je sais plus, de Rick Ross. Alors, oui, peut-être que je vous fait chier avec Rick Ross, mais bon, il est fort le gros Ross. Ensuite, c'est simple, Le Prince de Bel-Air, Will Smith, Jazzy Jeff, Oncle Phil, James Avery, Rick Ross!
Oh putain, cool, Oncle Phil, il ressemble à Rick Ross! James Avery, je l'ai toujours trouvé parfait. Je trouvais que c'était un vrai gangster quand j'étais gosse. Je disais: "Ouais, Oncle Phil, il impose"! Faut savoir que ce monsieur doublait le personnage de Shredder dans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Enfin, bref, tout ça, pour du lourd également. Du gras, du gros, du lourdaud.
I-20. Down South
By: Pier at 1:38 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, March 12, 2008, Shoré wrote:
Dimple boys and Cheating mamas
The Roots have dropped a new album and the song "Get Bussy" is big on the net right now but im not diggin it. I kinda' like their other song "Birthday girl" better although it's kinda' lame too. The roots member Black Thought is probebly one of the best rappers alive but in this song he sounds like Kanye West who i really have a hard time liking and the chourus is sung by this Patrick Stump guy who sounds like a high-school-soft-rock singer type, witch i totally hate. And the lyrics are about this hot 17 year old girl who finally turnes 18 and now he can take her to r- rated shows... so laaaamee!
So why am i saying i like this song? I'll tell you why, I'm a sucker for aucustic sounds! It's just like a guy with dimples.. who could be this total asshole and get away with it because of the little holes his cheeks would produce when he smiles. So i reluctantly sing along and press replay all the time.
What do you think?
The Roots ft Patrick Stump - Birthday Girl
Anyway I have to throw in a new Neptunes production just to feel better. You gotta love the beat, and i like the lyrics "Cheat on your man, your husband, your boyfreind. Mess up, then tell him that you love him" hahaha sneaky.
Tha dogg pound ft Pharrell Williams - Cheat
By: Shoré at 10:11 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, March 10, 2008, Shoré wrote:
Gold Gold Gold!
So alright I know she's already hyped on every other blog there is but I had to keep on spredin'. Santogold is totally made of awsome, she's like a mix between M.I.A and the Knife and although her album isn't out yet there are billion mixes out on her songs. Enjoy
Santogold - Creator Scottie b remix
Santogold - L.E.S Artistes xxxchange
By: Shoré at 5:58 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, March 8, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Me Bota Pra Dancar!
We're playing a really strange venue this evening. Me, Vemdetta and Lenny D at Vallentuna. Which is a suburb to the suburbs of Stockholm.
I have noooo idea what it is about. Could be nice, could be bajs (means poo in swedish).
Anywayz, as much as i'd love too, I think chances are rather small that i'll be passing this one tonight.
Wicked tune though:
Me Bota Pra Dancar
Ah, fuck it, of course i'll pass it tonight! C'est trop fort! Vai!
By: DBTY Int. at 12:05 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, March 6, 2008, v för vem wrote:
Cool your japanese jets!
"and imagine the impact it would've had, if it showed up right away!"
For those of you who aren't familiar with Ranes Scratch Live software: The images below are screen dumps of all the queues made while palying. Meaning that this shows all the tracks that been loaded, or "intended" to be played out loud, but not nessecary been played out. It'll give you a rough idee about what we do. Click on the image to enlarge.
This is from our first(?) gig back in late '06.
And here's the Spybar list from february 15th.
By: v för vem at 10:15 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, March 2, 2008, Martin wrote:
This is my happy little house
It's finally out!
12 short minutes with an amazing house piano, a female vocalist and the brilliant productions of mr Juan Maclean.
The Juan Maclean - Happy House
By: Martin at 1:27 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us