I work like aaaaall the time. So today I spent like five hours on meetings, like five hours talking, focused and whatnot. Usually I just listen, talk and think ab00t money when in bizniz, but this very friday, I fell in love. And I did not think ab00t money. I say like speak the hungarian rapper: stop the business.
My colleagues kind of noticed, but luckily the wooooman who we talked with didn't.
So now I know who I'm going to marry. She doesn't, but it's ok.
Anywayz. This is a classic.
You do the math.
Let's Make Love And Listen Death From Above

on Friday, February 29, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
In love again
By: DBTY Int. at 8:57 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, Pier wrote:
"Eh mec t'as pas de la drum?"
Ce matin, je me réveille calmement. Je regarde dehors, il pleut et il fait gris. J'allume l'ordi, double clique "itunes" et la journée peut commencer. Lecture aléatoire des morceaux : "where do you go to my lovely" Peter Sarstedt. Bien pour se réveiller... Morceau suivant : "Tarantula" Pendulum.
Dans ma tête résonne alors: "Eh mec t'as pas de la drum? Eh mec, je te dis un secret... Mais garde le pour toi. C'est super important... Eh mec, tu es le Dj, alors, écoute mec. Mon pote et moi, on a pris des champi. Garde le pour toi, sinon on est mal, parce que là c'est ouf. Eh mec, t'as pas de la drum? Eh mec, continue comme ça."
Je commence à regreter les soirées drum. C'est vrai quoi, tu pouvais vraiment faire n'importe quoi. Danser comme une grosse merde bien transpirante, déguisé en je ne sais pas trop quoi, en fluo vite fait, "je balance les bras et ce qui suivra". C'était bien la jeunesse.
1990's Original Mix. L.A.O.S
Tarantula. Pendulum
By: Pier at 2:48 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, February 25, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Franchement je trouve les Italiens super bizarres.
Ouais, je sais, j’ai dit ça avant, mais c’est vrai. Depuis mon découvert de Crookers, ma manière de voir les Italiens a complètement changé.
Honnêtement, pour le moment ; quand on mixe, je passe au moins dix chansons de Crookers le soir.
Et tout ça en savant que j’ai jamais visité une boîte Italienne avec la musique qui était bonne.
Le pays avec la plus mauvaise musique du monde en général a fait sortir le meilleur groupe d’électro violent au moment.
Ce Crookers arrête jamais à m’étonner. Voilà leur dernier tune, et voilà, pour la première fois dans la vie j’entends du rap en Italien que j’aime bien.
Nchlinez (DJ Froz Mad Edit) - Crookers
By: DBTY Int. at 10:17 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Friday, February 22, 2008, linus! wrote:
We luv the girls!
Seems like the blog has been on some kind of recharge since our spybar blast last friday. Guess I have to take some responsibility and kick start this friday evening with some dance hall-ish soca, or maybe some soca-ish dance hall..
Mr. Evil - We Luv The Girls
Bunji Garlin - Pretty Hot Feat. Mr. Evil
Maximus Dan - Land Dem
All tracks on the wicked Response Riddim...
By: linus! at 9:07 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: dance hall, response riddim, Socaon Wednesday, February 13, 2008, linus! wrote:
Mad again!
We're gonna blow Spybar up on friday, and as a teaser I offer you the really-really-ridiculously-good-pepping tune i've heard.. well at least this week..
Cupid Feat. kmc - Mad again!
(btw, I first found out bout this song from Socasverige)
By: linus! at 10:24 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: SocaGo Dennis Go!
Nobody cares if a gay guy rocks strange effeminate clothes, its part of the stereotype picture we have of homosexual men. They are surposed to “act out” and try to brake all the heteronormative bounderies. But when straight artists such as Prince or even better: basketball pros such as Dennis Rodman dress up in less conventional clothes its like stiking people in the eye with a stick! I’m totally fascinated by straight men who dare to wear unconventional clothes, they show that straight doesn’t always have to equal square and boring.
One less conventional style is the Pimp style. Recognized by big fur coats, high heeld shoes, loads of jewlery, a high hat and a chain to top it off, the style had its birth in the blackexploitation days of the 1970 as an alternative to convetional white styles. Today however the only people who wear this fashion are most often artists such as Snoop Dogg in his latest video Sensual seduction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSS_DY_z-Dc or our own swedish Timbuktu in his Video Alla vill till himmelen
So why don’t more guys dress in more exessive styles? MTV should have a programe called “ Pimp My Svenne” or maybe TV4 could have a “Bonde gets pimped”. We swedes always think we are much more open minded than other western cultures on issues regarding gender, so how come this has no effect on the way we dress? Why isn’t Zlatan or Prins Philip rocking make-up?!!
Maybe a lot of men don’t approve of and don’t want to be assoiated with the pimp lifestyle. Selling hoockers and drugs isn’t EVERY young boys dream. But straight guys should defenitly try to have more fun dressing up. Paint your nails to match with your kicks, buy a pair of plastic red shoes or just grow a cool mustache, the possibilities are endles!! Stop being such a square and just get freaky with it!
Here's a little something to get you on the right pimp track
Bootsie Collins- Ass, Cash or Gas
By: Shoré at 6:55 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Friday, February 8, 2008, linus! wrote:
South Rakkas!
Some years ago, the dudes behind South Rakkas released the Clappas riddim and the clubs in stockholm (at least the ones we managed to sneak into) blew up..
They've continued to release crazy riddims with the same stupid computer voice in the intro.. gotta love it.
Mr. Vegas - Ghetto Pickney Clappas
Sizzla - Smoking Herbs Rah Rah
Beenie Man - Jamaican Style Chinkuzi
Vybz Kartel - Goodas Bionic Ras
By: linus! at 12:09 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: dance hallon Wednesday, February 6, 2008, Martin wrote:
The best french guy ever to sit behind a piano
Gonzales: A funny and extremely talanted man who released the somewhat unintentionally classical record 'Solo Piano'. He is one of my favorite artists. Listen to this, his new shit is going to be the shit:
Gonzales - Workin Together
and maybe have a look at his myspace to.
By: Martin at 11:51 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, February 5, 2008, v för vem wrote:
President of the United States-bmore
Following the the ongoing discussion about Baltimore Club Music on various blogs and forums you learn a couple of new words that you don't use much in your daily life. Like my topic for example. I'm not going to try clarify this term, cause quite frankly, I'm not sure about the precise meaning, lets just say it refers to the "White-ification of Bmore Club Music" or "white-bmore". Seeing that the President of America will always be a white man...
Or will he/her? Perhaps at the end of this year my fellow bmore role models needs to rethink their bmore-dictionary.
I'm not trying to entangle myself to much in any sort political statement. But being a sampling fanatic, spending a lot of time slicing and cutting all kinds of audio, I'm pretty much blown away by this amazing work by Will.I.Am
Ready for Super Tuesday?
By: v för vem at 7:23 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, February 4, 2008, Pier wrote:
Can It Be All So Simple
Plus le temps passe, et plus je me dis que le gros Ghostface Killah est en passe de devenir mon rapper préféré... Ce mec paye pas trop de mine au début. Mais en fait, ce mec est fort. Un des rare à rester crédible même avec 15kg de bling-bling autour du cou. Le seul à débarquer au concert de Jay-z en robe de chambre, pour un feat avec Beyonce. Voilà ce que Ghostface a déclaré juste avant de monter sur scène: "Ouah... il y a du bruit la-bas! Moi, je vais faire mon boulot. Poser mon couplet, peut être un refrain. Regarder la princesse Beyonce danser. Ensuite, je rentre chez moi, fumer un bon spliff, et chier un bon coup. Et enfin, je vais au lit."
Ghostface Killah feat. Raekwon & U-God. Rec-Room Therapy
Ghostface Killah feat. Chrisette Michele. Slow Down
By: Pier at 1:52 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: Ghostface, Hip-hop, Wu Tang Clanon Friday, February 1, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Checkin Teh Mailz
So our friends from Steady Mobbin sent us some new remixes made by the ever so talented LL.Cool.B. Thanx dudes!
Hello Brooklyn is the roughest song Jay-Z has made since he told us “I’m from Marcy son, just thought I’d remind ya’ll”, and that was some ten years ago.
This remixXx has a nice English Garage touch all over it, I do adore how that baseline goes boombeeeowboombeeeoww. Makes me think of Oxide and Neutrino at their best.
Jay-Z feat. Lil Wayne – Hello (Steady Mobbin RemixXx)
They also sent us this one, it's pretty rugged 2:
Hyphy Juice Remix - LL.Cool.Bee
By: DBTY Int. at 12:35 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us