So you'd have to be a great mind to stripe-match like this. This guy comes up to me at this barbecue and goes: "Nah man yoo be trippin lissenin to dem pussyclot batty-house". And I goes like "Dude, chill oooout". Obviously I didn't see his golden watch at first. Observe it closely. Now thats really not the type of dude you wanna piss off. Spite his really friendly smile and whatnot, the golden bracelet round his wrist pretty much says it all.
Imagine how fucking dangerous one must be to combine that kind of fashionista intelligence when dressing, with a jewlery of that caliber. This dudes is kinda like Denzel in American Gangster combined with Denzel in that other film when he's a criminal cop fucking up Ethan Hawke.
So later on im mixing my Steve Angello goes Foamo at this club, and he walks up to me while i'm mixing. Gives me this shiny cd-r with just one song on it. He goes.
"Yo, batty-boy, plee dis tune, wicked isht street outta sheffilld, haffi lissen 2 understaand, yannameen bredda?"
So, just so ya'll know, i'm not in to house anymore. Or wait! Maybe I am?
Inna di Dancehall (Toddla T - Count of Monte Cristal & Sinden remix) - Toddla T

on Monday, May 26, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
This dude is just tearing my stripes off!
By: DBTY Int. at 5:41 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Sunday, May 25, 2008, linus! wrote:
Plow! Plow! Plow!
Yesterday was awesome...
Collie Buddz Feat. Bounty Killer - Never snitch!
By: linus! at 6:47 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: dance hallon Friday, May 23, 2008, Shoré wrote:
Life in Suburbia!
After a couple of weeks of nanny work in middle class suburbia in Maryland I finally head down to Washington DC for a few days, witch to my surprise was also very "nice, clean and wholesome". Everything feels a bit scandinavian here, in other words, things are very WHITE!
I gotta add a bit of contrast to all this so i dont turn in to a 50's housewife, so watch me do me!
Rocko - umma do me
By: Shoré at 10:38 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
"Bah, je sais pas moi, 50 cent..."
La semaine dernière, je me rendais à ce qui devait être un de mes derniers examens. Le bus, le 16. Je me place vers le fond du bus, en attendant république. Une demi-douzaine de bonhomme s'assoient à coté de moi tout en me regardant...
Le bus démarre, et ma montre sonne 13h00. "Il est 13h00, merci le rocker..." annonce un des gars à coté de moi, en me lançant un regard méchant et con.
Je lui réponds calmement : "je suis pas rocker et puis tu n'es pas obligé de me parler sur ce ton, et mange ton kebab proprement s'il te plait".
Le gars, essuyant sa bouche : "je mange propre... Vas-y toi, genre t'es pas un rocker, genre!"
Moi, énervé : "Ouais, moi, je suis un rapper. T'es un rapper aussi toi non? T'écoutes quoi?"
Le petit Kevin, surpris et un peu flipé : "Bah, je sais pas moi, 50 cent..."
Ok, merci Kevin. Vive le Hip-Hop.
En fait, j'aimerai que tout le monde danse sur ça :
Bitch Ass Darius - Do It 2 It Promo Mix
By: Pier at 8:08 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Turning it up a notch!
This one's just to increase the exitement for tomorrows soirée at Pleasant Bar.
There will definetely be some love in that club.
And maybe a world premier for abrand new Vem'Detta-track.
Looking forward to it, ya'll dudes to?
See ya tomorrow! I'm gonna give it to you all niiiiight!
Usher - Love In This Club (MSTRKRFT Rmx)
By: DBTY Int. at 3:52 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Tuesday, May 20, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Jean Moustache
Jean Moustache sent us a mail some weeks ago, and I really like the rather fresh mix between ghetto-romance, lasagna, beard, hamburgers and disco.
So volià!
Burger Beat - Jean Moustache
By: DBTY Int. at 11:54 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Monday, May 19, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Floating like juke
We was over at Vem'Dettas place last night, listening to his new tracks, experementing with some vj-stuff (Lenny Drama made bouncing cakes!), mixed and hung out.
The last thirty min we passed through the Juke-crate on Vem'Dettas Serato. There's something really cool about music in +156 bpm. It kind of floats, it has a nice flow to it.
I konw this really isn't Juke, right? But that river-like feeling in the beat is there though. A pretty awesome song. Not your usual dancefloor-banger, rather something for the BMore-heads going to a indie club.
Paper Float - Aaron LaCrate Rmx
By: DBTY Int. at 5:23 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Thursday, May 15, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
First the Fancy Footwork
And now we're giving ya'll this.
Gotta love all these awesome Chromeo-remixes.
I wanna get in those pants!
If ya'll wanna get in my pants you should come to Pleasant Bar in Stockholm the 24th of may, it's the third time we're mixing it up there, and it gets better each time.
Tenderoni (MSTRKRFT RMX) - Chromeo
By: DBTY Int. at 4:53 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Tuesday, May 13, 2008, linus! wrote:
Whats up?
Hmm, there is a little low activity up in here at the moment..
From the 2007 "Laminated riddim":
Fantan Mojah - Done Dem
By: linus! at 9:26 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: dance hallon Thursday, May 8, 2008, linus! wrote:
Perdona me!
You know how your perspective gets all weird up when you are away from home for a long time? When you first arrive and look at all these dudes with ugly-ass, baggy denim shorts that ends a decimeter above the feet, you think "wtf is wrong with this country?".
After a while though, you get so used to them jeans you dont even notice, and I bet that if you stay yet a little longer you buy a pair for your self, thinking "what a sexy motherfucker i am"...
And then, on the airport, when your back to your world, where you belong, you realise that you look like a looser and that everybody is looking at you...
I think its the same with music, I was in Mexico for three weeks, and this is what happend to me:
Eddy Lover - Perdoname Feat. Factoria
Judge yourself, have I gone completly mad or is this the next cheesy rnbish latino-hit?
By: linus! at 7:20 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
France - Day 3.
(Our biggest fan, repping it Forever Young – DBTY)
I don’t really know how to describe yesterday evening. Calling it an all-out-euforic-crash-party-nuclear-dance-style-hardcore-assbounce would just not cover the whole spectra of emotions last night.
We started out with some rather stressful arranging, putting up speakers and such. After that we ate a good Lebanese meal, drank two bottles of Champagne and went to the first gig. A nice bar with good sound and plenty of lasers, in the middle of Rennes.
(Before-Club relaxing)
Sisquo and Hollydjee started the evening up with some rather hard house before me and Vem’Detta took over with a one and a half hour set of electro.
(Setting up the gear)
At the same time Super F started mixing at La Contrescarpe. A basement-club with a really f*cking big table for the nine dj:s in total. DBTY created total kaos during the four hours we mixed. Me and Vem breaking it down B-More hard-core-style. Lots of Samir Theme, Scottie B, Bird Peterson, Crookers, Marina Gasolina, Jokers Of The Scene and whatnot.
(Sisquo and Hollydjee at the decks)
Hollydjee, Super F and Sisquo tore the dancefloor apart with their electrohouse-thing, equal parts Joey Beltram and Hyperactive.
(The Crowd – Madness – I know it’s not much of an image, but everyone was just to exited to take any photos while mixing)
I’ve never in my life seen a crowd as flipped out as this. About a hundred people or more was squeezed in, in a second stone room, they jumped as one, screamed their lungs out at every mix and waved their t-shirts like we’re they propellers of a helicopter. Before that you had another two chambers with at least two hundred people dancing their asses off.
(Me and Martini outside the club)
After the party was of course the afterparty. People painted each other. We pumped hardtech in the cars and clothes we’re exchanged.
(Afterparty six in the morning, tiredness)
After the afterparty was the spliff and baguette a majo et camembert-party.
At seven o’clock in the morning I fell asleep tired as ever.
Now we’re drinking coffee, Vem is sleeping after a good session of Loco Roco, Super F looking up the latest foot-results and I’m writing you guys this.
While waiting for our next gig – 24th of may in Stockholm, you should listen to this one, cause lucky’s what I am today, relax and get inspired!
Lucky - TTA
By: DBTY Int. at 6:46 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Wednesday, May 7, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
France - Day 2.
(Vem'Detta, Tripple T, Super F)
So today has been awesome, we passed some few hours at a lawn in this great park in the middle of Rennes, eating greasy sandwiches and drinking wine. Later on we walked back to Pierres, the last three hours we’ve been mixing and preparing for tonight! Two clubs one night and total war!
Love it!
Now I’m taking a shower and passing over the pen to Pierre.
Smell ya later!
Yo! Semaine placé sous le signe de la transpiration, du pain-mayo-camembert-comté-salade-huile, et du BPM,
Jessy est nerveux,
Jimmy Martini,
Jerry est concentre,
Ruben prend sa douche,
Louison is selling vegetables (vends des légumes)
Pier cogite…
Picnic, diabolo, legion of doom,, poutine, pinky, It’s a perfect day comme le suggère smat.
This is our themesong for the night!
Winning (Next Weekend) (Harrison Schaaf Remix) - Blunt Force Trauma
By: DBTY Int. at 5:23 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Tuesday, May 6, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
France - Day 1.
(Vem'detta trying a french baguette)
So, I know there hasn’t been much happening on the blogg the latest month, well sorry. We’ve all been busy, work and such.
DBTY has been kind of split up recently. Mell-B has been both in Paris and Finland, Lenny Drama went to Mexico for three weeks, Gardendwarf is in Washington for five weeks, and now me and Vem’detta r in France.
(Jim Martin with several types of kebab)
We’re staying one week, tomorrow is the highly anticipated DBTY Soirée in Rennes with the Fluo Masters of Bretagne – Boys On Top! We’re mixing in two clubs the same evening. It will be all out wartime bonafied fuckfest!
So, whilst here – we’ll try in keep you updated on what’s going on. One post each day with pix and everything. Maybe a few tunes for y’all to. Like a travel journal for DBTY.
(Pier mixing it up)
Yesterday we arrived at 20h, we smoked, ate French kebabs, drank monacos and mixed it up at Jessy of DBTY’s ever so fresh crib.
This morning has started with coffee, a long set starting with som classic loungestyle house, some fresh B-More and right now Vem’detta is at the Speed Garage. Nice.
(Vem'detta doing garden work in his serato playlists)
The weather is good though. So we’ll go out soon. But before that, I’m a pass this:
Everyone Nose (Bass Ill Euro Rmx)- NERD
(Me and Super F aka Pier doing some back to back mixing pacemaker/cd-style)
By: DBTY Int. at 3:07 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to