La je suis bien. Non en faite je suis vraiment bien... Tranquille quoi. J'écoute de la musique, bien, de la bonne musique en plus, c'est Smif-n-Wessun, ouais c'est bien ça pour écrire en plus je trouve. Cool. Bon, maintenant je suis bien. Et puis, d'un coup, je me dis : "putain, y'a quoi sous les lunettes de Rick Ross? Le mec cool, bien sapé, riche, qui couche avec les plus belles femmes du monde, presque beau et classe, et qui habite à Miami. Humm, y'a quoi sous ses lunette à "Boss"?
Ensuite, je suis tombé sur cette photo. Là, je me suis dis "pas de bol, il est vraiment pas beau celui-là, j'aimerai pas être à sa place..." Je commence à me moquer du gars qui est sur la photo, ce mec est vraiment moche. Et puis vient le moment ou j'arrete de rire. Et là je le reconnais. C'est "Boss"! C'est Rick Ross! A partir de ce moment, ma vie a changé. Rick Ross est en réalité un pourri, mal habillé, qui montre des faux billets, avec surement quelque chose qui ressemble à un micropénis, vraiment hideux, et qui doit vivre dans une caravane dans le ghetto.
Pour moi, c'est un choc. Je n'ai vraiment plus aucun respect pour lui. Il ne me fait pas peur, je l'attends. C'est qu'une tarlouze qui ne connait meme pas Noriega. Et je le répete, mais c'est le gars le plus moche du "rap-game". Ramene ta gueule Rick, Je vais te marave la tronche!
Heureusement, le gros Ross, il balance du lourd.
P.S. "Tes bijoux à la con, je suis sur que c'est du faux! PD và! Dégage Rick Ross! Tu pues."
Rick Ross. Money make me cum
Et puis là, c'est on va dire "cadeau de la maison" ou "offert par la maison" ou "c'est la maison qui régale" ou "c'est la tournée du patron".
DJ Sega. Woo Hah!
Altern-8. Armageddon (Cosmo Remix

on Wednesday, January 30, 2008, Pier wrote:
Eh Rick Ross...! T'es moche !
By: Pier at 11:48 PM | 6 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Ice Hockey House
When playing hockey it is crucial to wear a helmet. A real helmet, not a jagged .jpg like this one. But! To really enjoy the best part of the hockey culture: remove your ice skates, one at the time. Place your stick by the bench. Go home, maybe have a shower, it really doesn't matter. Get dressed in something danceable. Head out in the night to where ever this is played.
Good luck!
Dmitry Fyodorov - 1B-1
By: Martin at 2:32 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Tuesday, January 29, 2008, Shoré wrote:
Weekend Warrior
My body hurts…. So much. I turned in to my alter ego Miss Hulk this weekend and now that i turned back to my old self every little inch of my body hurts.
Miss Hulk is just like me, only a little more aggressive, a little louder, and a whole lot stronger! She lifts people up and throws them down, she bites, she slapps, she takes off her shoe and hits people with it, and she threatens to kill you if you’re a dickhead who tries to cut in line at the bar.
DBTY member Linus recently told my that in the War in Afghanistan the American army were told to always kill female talibans firts because no women are allowed in the taliban army. So if a female actually earned her right to be a warrior she had to be the baddest mother f**** there!
Well Miss Hulk is the only woman in DBTY and this is because she earned her right as a Weekend Party Warrior.
Here are two classical tunes with Eddie Murphy and Rick James about weekend warrior queens. Eddie Murphy - Party all the time
Rick James - Superfreak
For those of you who haven’t seen the video you should check it out on youtube Rick james’ crazy jerry-curles are totally made of awezum!
By: Shoré at 4:25 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Sunday, January 27, 2008, v för vem wrote:
I try to do a 2-3 hour workout at least once week, not just to clean up my set, but also to keep my neighbors on a short leash. You know that neighbors, old ones in particular, are like a pack of wolfs. If you give them any slack they'll gather I large groups and tear you in to pieces.
Last week while standing behind my deck, working on my forthcoming heart attack, yeah... slow-jams you say? Slowjams these nuts, (damn, now why didn't I say that at Nada Bar last time) I tend to always end up playing Crookers and alike now days. They should really post a warning sign on that Italian duo, like on a pack of cigarettes. Listening may cause spontaneous combustion! While standing there doing my thing, I get this rare request from one of myfaithfully listeners. "Play me some guns, I want guns!" Seeing that I only have about 3 or 4 listeners, fulfilling one request would be good for the stats, like 20-30%... well you understand where I'm heading with this. But this gun request was a hard one to serve. The only track I could think of was that Paper Plane joint, a track that have becomed a ending theme here at DBTY, and I wasn't ready to end my mix session just yet... But no worries, Dj sega is here for the rescue. I don't care what you haterzz think, this is a clubbanger, and yes, it contains loads of guns.
Dj Sega - Paper Planes (Philly Club Remix)
I got this of the Mad Decent blog. Not sure about "link-jacking", so I did a zshare, I'll take it down if anyone objects.
By: v för vem at 12:32 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: B-more, Dj Segaon Friday, January 25, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Catherine, je t’aime
So I know I’ve been going on babbling bout her before, and it’s probably becoming kind of boring. But since my colleague started on the topic: “writing dreamy texts on people and environments you idolize so much you fall in love”, and since everybody who even remotely knows me, knows that’s like my area of expertise, I kind of felt obliged.
So Catherine Ferroyer-Blanchard is like the boiling point of everything I adore about French chicks. I know she’s very close to being pastiche, but hey, that never stopped me before.
This is her best song, made even better by the oh so awesome Yelle-producer Grand Marnier: Catherine Ferroyer-Blanchard - Une Chanson D'amour (Grand Marnier Remix)
She’s kind of mean, really belle, sings over electro beats, dresses in a cool way, probably never gives a rats about anything anyone says (in a mean way), looks like she hates you when she smiles, and I’d let her blow smoke from her half-lit cigarette n’importe quand.
So I just found my future wife in my perfect little nicotine-drenched, high on coffee and no food, drunk on cheap wine that tastes like petrol, not talking to each-other eating paté-dream.
By: DBTY Int. at 9:26 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Tuesday, January 22, 2008, Shoré wrote:
To a place called Jamaica
I’m in “close my eyes, listen to reggea/dancehall and pretend i’m somewhere else” mode. The food iz great, the people iz great, the beer iz great, the ganja makez your eyez turn red and I just found my future husband in my perfect little caribbean dream. He’s got the name of a dog, blond hair like Elephant Man and a funny but sexy accent just like the frenchies.
Collie buddz - dis ya luv
Collie buddz - mamacita
By: Shoré at 9:11 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Vive la France !
Hello. My name is Pierre and i am french. I want talk about french man. I think they are good. When they speak with a foreign girl, they use a special vocabulary in english : " hello i'm french and i don't speak very well a good english. I'm sorry but do you think is it possible to have a kiss my little sweet pain au chocolat..."
You call it love. Jean Nippon
And France and French people can be proud. It is maybe the best thing that arrived at us since well for a long time. The more "impressionant", "violent", "electro", "mystérieux", "joyeux", "robot", futur", "bagarre".
Gabrielle. Forget About The World. (Daft Punk Remix)
Touch It/Technologic (live) Daft Punk
And France and French people can be happy. Because we have got Tekilatex. The more "fou", "habibi", "huitre", "intelligent", "visionnaire", "gros", "classe", "Le longs soirs d'hiver, j'apprends à mon chat a marcher sur les pattes de derrière, Je prend un somnifère et je refuse de dormir, J'espère mourrir pour toujours et réssusciter chaque soir, Avant chaque concert j'apprends à mon chat à marcher sur les pattes de derrière, pour qu'il devienne un lémurien, Ses limites poussées plus loin, lorsque il arrive à faire un pas je le félicite et après plus rien, je ne devrais pas etre le seul à faire de efforts mais je désespère, et c'est chaque soir que j'apprends a mon chat à marcher sur les pattes de derrière, La télé allumée j'apprends sur les pattes de derrières a mon chat a marcher, ca laisse un fond sonore et c'est pas pour couvrir la machine à laver,très chasse et histoires naturelles, voisin voisine et le prince de bel air, c'que j'préfère c'est apprendre à mon chat à marcher sur les pattes de derrière ".
Dans Le Club. TTC
Tes Etats D'âmes Eric. Leslie (feat. Tekilatex)
By: Pier at 8:37 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Daft Punk, Electro, France, Pop, Tekilatexon Friday, January 18, 2008, linus! wrote:
Longing for..
My weather depression is getting worse. And I dont know if its makes it better or not that I constantly thinking about palm trees, coronas, ugly surf shorts, havaianas and sitting outside without jacket in the middle of the night. On top of all that, i'm kind of in a Soca phase at the moment..
"Soca", You say, "Isn't that the music they play in Cocktail(and every other hollywood movie when they're going to the West Indies)?"
"Yes", I say, "That's soca, (that, and possibly some Calypso) and a normal person can't stand more than two at most three songs before you get out of your mind. How can they be so god damn happy all the time? Its like forcing a guy with damp to drink two hundred red bulls. crazy.
Anyway, to spare you the crazyness of listening through one million soca tracks, I've done exactly that for you.
Machel Montano - Blaze di trail I havent seen Machel live, but he must look something like a duracell rabbit on speed.
Rhianna - please dont stop the soca feat. mr.slaughter (jus bus walshy killa remix) (I know you dont believe me, but this one's hot!)
And this is just stupid:
Nikki Crosby - I'll learn to wine
Seems like the soca people is even more fond of covers of bad songs than their ragga cousins are. I got soca versions of Tainted love, take my breath away, bittersweet symphony the list can go on...
By: linus! at 4:12 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: Socaon Monday, January 14, 2008, DBTY Int. wrote:
Twelve – It’s a magic number
I was on the phone with DBTY-member Shortzy Shortz a.k.a The Gardendwarf yesterday, we talked and I was, as usual, trying to convince her of something.
This is basically what it sounded like:
Me: But I promise you! It is awesome!
She: That is completely and utterly impossible.
Me: But it’s this totally passionate and beautiful song, I don’t understand a word, but I’m sure what she’s saying is so awesome and heart-breaking she could actually cause a stroke with the song.
She: Omg, before I would have said that you have the taste in music of a twelve year old girl, but I’ve totally changed my mind. You ARE in fact a twelve year old girl.
Well dudes, this week-end I totally put the Crookers-marathon on hold and lied on my bed, weeping, listening to Despedida By Shakira
Being twelve is awesome.
Ps. If any one of you bookers who usually complement our blog so very much is reading this, pay no mind.
Ps. Thats funny: Bookers rhymes with Crookers.
I love Crookers:
Baby Beat Box Remix
By: DBTY Int. at 6:27 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
on Saturday, January 12, 2008, linus! wrote:
Just pick it up and drop it!
How can I post anything after that? V's post where bloody awesome!
Anyway, today im going to have a lot of pretty boring relatives at my place to "celebrate" that i.m now one year older. And one year closer to thirty.. huuuh.. Therefore, I give to you the music I wont be able to listen to. I give to you: Madness Riddim
Elephant Man - 3 Step
Kiprich - Boosie Wine
Sean Paul - Drop it
By: linus! at 1:15 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: dance hall, madness riddimon Friday, January 11, 2008, v för vem wrote:
Work is making me sick
And I don't mean that - mom, I'm not feeling very well, don't think I can go to school today, and she's like - Sure! I'll take a VAB-dag today and make you some beacon and eggs (win win situation). I'm talking about that in bed alone, sitting and shivering for seven days straight-sick. Damn, that's how I started this new year, I guess that's the flip side to working at a hospital (not that I've figured out the good side yet). It's '08 and I'll gladly follow my dear DBTYarians footstep by writing about the year behind us. While reading the previous posts I realized how few full length albums I listen to nowadays, I mean, its embarrassing when you get asked a question like "what did you think of the new Kanye West album?" and your answer is blank. But hey, I easily spend about 3-4 hours a day going through various blogs, listening to remixes, blends, mashups, mashdowns, and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, laughers and screamers. I remember when I was bitching about how many crappy radio-singles I needed to go through everyday, that's nothing compared to the huge amount of blog music-ish that people post nowadays (like this one). On that note, here's a time saving list for those of y'all out there still reading. These tracks have had a huge impact on me this last year but aren't necessarily 07 releases, I'm always one step behind the movement.
Tim Dolla - Promise
Ciara meets Tim Dolla, rnb meets Bmore (RNBmore). This fusion is simply perfect. It's from the The Dew Doo Ronomy EP, released digitally on Unruly Records . This needs to be played on a let your neighbor hear it-volume.
Constantina - Are You Lonely Tonight
Released in 1989 and a diamond among many others in my newly found soundscape. Not exactly your typical greatest of ´07 post, but 80s music definitively made a mark on me last year. When I talk about 80's, I mean that nasty synthetic bass *hit. With Daft Punk releasing their sample CD this year I know that I'm not the only one liking the sound.
Pase Rock feat. Santogold Spank Rock Holiday Thug - Lindsay Lohans Revenge
TTL writes: "Even the most jaded hater will crack a smile for this one", and I can't find a better description of this great track, released early last year.
Dj Shadow Turf Dancing (feat. The Federation And Animaniaks)
Jam had a sweet deal on a couple of studio-speakers late last summer, and I decided not to sleep on it. But remember this, being stranded on Odengatan with a unmovable box filled with a hi-quality sound system at rush hour can be painful, in ways you can't imagine. Safely home I realized that this track, and perhaps the whole hyphy-movement, is likely made to try out your speakers low frequency spectrum. Expect a follow up to Slappers for Dummies this year.
Fais Rentrer Les Euros (Unreleased Audioporno Remix)
Spending time with my fellow DBTYarians made a mark on my ears, this is a excellent example of that. I have such mixed feelings towards this "new" sound called electro (great brand name given to this genre btw, not at all confusing). Buy hey, when I hear this I just want to throw my t-shirt off like the Incredible Hulk!
Jefferson Starship - We Built This City bird peterson bmix edit
Anything and everything Bird Peterson touches is, if not already on fire, definitely turned in to a burning inferno. The only thing bad about a Bird remix (if you can call that bad) is that there is no room for a DJ to mix the damn song, to much things going on in the track. I normally let the whole track run trough and just leave it like that. I wish my life was like one long Bird Peterson remix...
By: v för vem at 3:34 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: best-of-2007on Sunday, January 6, 2008, Martin wrote:
Something for the evening
By: Martin at 10:16 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Ok so we've been away for awhile. A new year has begun though, Martin and Linus has allready published two completely awesome Best Of Lists. And so it's my turn.
Sorry for the break folks.
In 2008 we'll post all day every day (allmost).
1. Paper Planes - M.I.A
If I got to choose one song and only one song that I would listen to for the rest of my life, it would be this one. No joke. Seriously, i've never seen, heard or heard about anyone who doesn't love it.
2. Gasolina - Bonde Do Role (Crookers Crunk Rmx)
Parmi tt les remixes de cette chanson celui était le plus fort, largement. Et quand elle s'arrêtte et Gorky chant son "Africa Bambata" super bas c'est l'euforie totale. J'adore ça!
3. Basutbudet - Varenda Göt (Rmx)
The fact that our french friends totally love Basutbudet is proof enough that this is actually more than an internskämt in Stockholm. This is awesome music.
By: DBTY Int. at 11:59 AM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: best-of-2007on Saturday, January 5, 2008, linus! wrote:
Throw your hands in the air!
Yeah, its that time of the year again!
We're all out on ham and mustard (yep, thats what swedes eat at christmas), the christmas songs that we have been forced to listen to for the last two weeks are slowly fading out, and left is only one wish.
The wish to know what musical goodies 2007 gave us.
And I really tried, promise. I thought long and hard about it, read others "best of"-lists, even tried to search itunes for "2007" (that didnt work though). But my memory is just to short, I can't even remember what I did five days ago (Oh wait, that was new years eve, theres a whole other reason I dont remember that)so how could I possibly remember all the great stuff (if theres been any?) that I've listened to, and hopefully enjoyed, this year?
That said, kinda like a safebelt so no one can bash me afterwards if I missed anything (im such a wussy) i wont do a descending top-ten list, ill just throw out some big tunes. BEST ON-YOUR-WAY-HOME-LATE-NIGHT-EARLY-MORNING-KINDA-DRUNK-KINDA-STONED-ALBUM:
Waitin to inhale
Devin the dude
This must probably be album ive listened to most on the whole year. I think. If you(but you shouldnt!) skip to track no 3, The allmighty dollar and then listen thru Hope I Don't Get Sick A Dis (the beat is killing me everytime), What A Job (Feat. Snoop Dogg & Andre 3000) (awesome song, awesome Andre, even awesome Snoop!), and Broccoli and Cheese you probably have heard the tightest start of an album since.. Talib's Quality?
The only thing I wish is for next year everybody will understand how its only annoying and not the least fun with skits on album. Ever. Never.
Do you feel me
Anthony Hamilton
Anthony Hamilton did release an album this year, but his best song is from the American Gangster Soundtrack...
Collie Buddz
Ok, hes been around for more than a year, but his debut album dropped this year. Full of sex, guns and ganja..
Finding forever
Play your cards right - Bilal, where the fuck are you? Desire
Pharoahe Monch
Ooh, good one Linus. You make your own categories and still end up with a tie!
Agent Orange - Anybody who rhymes "I threw a rock and I ran" in a song about american war politics is my hero.MOST THUGGISH DANCEHALL:
Gangsta For Life The Symphony Of David Brooks
If Collie Buddz sings alot about sex, guns and weed, Mavado IS sex, guns and weed. The album is mostly about the first two though. I've posted enough Mavado tracks on this blog allready, but the album is wild so buy it! BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO SWEDEN THIS YEAR:
Basutbudet & Mapei
The rhymes are awesome. The beats are awesome. The base is awesome. The irony is awesome.
Mapei - Video Vixens (Basutbudet produced it, I think?)
Paper planes
When I hear this song, all I wanna do is a ptoosch! ptoosch! ptoosch! and a prtusch! prtusch! prtusch!
By: linus! at 6:23 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: best-of-2007, dance hall, Hip-hopon Wednesday, January 2, 2008, Martin wrote:
Best of 2007
This is what I will remember of 2007:
Poni Hoax - Antibodies
Somewhat like a mixture between Roxy Music and something for the dance floor - this was an instant favorite for me. Joakim produced it - he must be a genius in some way.
Lindstrøm - Breakfast in Heaven (Diskjokke remix)
With a loong intro that laters kicks off in a briliant chorus. One great norwegian remixing another great norwegian, so 2007.
Cut Copy - Hearts of Fire (Joakim remix)
I don't know why I first didn't appreciate this one. It took me a while, but when I did it was like when I watched Robin Hood (the disney version!) as a kid: I watched it, over and over, and over. Again please! This track is just the same - never get's boring. Joakim I love you!
A Mountain Of One - Brown Piano (Remake by Studio)
It's like having a very good dinner at a very good restaurant with some very good wine and some very good company. It's a feeling of complete perfection that comes with either fantastic food or music like this.
LCD Soundsystem - Someone great
Maybe their best song ever recorded. Sound of Silver = my favorite album of the year. Don't miss the video!
Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothing
Zach Galifianakis video for this track gave Kanye some well needed self distance. And his album gave me some well needed hiphop last year.
Simian Mobile Disco - I Belive (SMD space dub)
I never really liked their album, felt like a couple of singels in a row. But this makes it all okay. It's a brilliant remix by themself.
UGK - Int'l Players Anthem
"So, I typed a text to a girl I used to see
Sayin that I chose this cutie pie with whom I wanna be"
When you start a song like that then it just have to be fantastic, right?
Justice - D.A.N.C.E
Played everywhere, remixed by all of them, loved by everyone and even featured in a rom-com trailer. This just might be THE biggest cross over hit 07. Not to forget: it's a great track, and with a great video.
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
Best intro (the piano!!) of 2007, from the best album of 2007. This my friends is how I want to remember 2007.
By: Martin at 11:50 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to
Labels: best-of-2007