Every time we dj i fall in love
I know this is getting tjatigt, but i love u, us. Som m,uch.
I love very much Dont Blame The YoutH!
I aMA Wasted... a bit,.
I am getting married soon.
Tonight was hjust awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Tnajk s to martin hery liinlinini amd also that geeky shoré and all our possé that supported d to the b in the war!!!!!!
Leslei. Limit to your love.
if you didnt understans dis song is dfor you guys.
i do love you.

on Sunday, December 23, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
By: DBTY Int. at 4:09 AM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, December 19, 2007, linus! wrote:
another day in hell..
In this time of madness, vice-magazines, americanaparell-stores, oversized(remember, its not the same as "too big") fluo print shirts, rayban wayfarers that everybody suddently found at home, or maybe at their grandparents's, and just thought they where tooo cool, (or, just those huge nerd glasses, even worse!), parties sponsored by beer companies with overprized beer, clothes that went from second hand to vintage over a night, wheather so cold the balls fall off everytime you have to go to work, a goverment that's tired of doing stuff, so they sell out everything, hoping that somebody else will do stuff for them, microsoft buying a teeny weeny bit(1.6 percent) of a website(I bet a dollar no one will even remember what facebook was in five years!) for a fucking ridicoulous amount of money (240 million dollars!), it is nice too think about di holy maddaland for a while..
Junior Kelly - Ethiopia
Mulatu Atatke - Yèkèrmo Sèw (A Man of Experience and Wisdom) (you might recognize this one from the broken flowers soundtrack...)
..And be sure to check out Johans post(and torrent link) about the best rnb album this year at The day we lost the soul
By: linus! at 5:17 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: dance hall, ethiopian, Reggaeon Wednesday, December 12, 2007, Martin wrote:
Nevermind the robot voice
Ruben wants me to write something to each post. But frankly I can't imagine someone who actually want's to read something "funny" or "smart" or a drunk tale about my last night (was at work until late, had a great bacon and cheese burger at a place that didn't even sell beer!!). Anyway, this track is from the new Ready For The Floor singel. The kings from Ghent remixed it and it's really good.
Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor (Soulwax Dub)
By: Martin at 10:08 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, December 10, 2007, Martin wrote:
Techno from the crouch
Feel free to make up your own witty jokes about a) your dad b) pungen c) something made out of leather that carries one or two balls d) anything about the crouch.
Hugg & Pepp - Pung
By: Martin at 3:09 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, December 9, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
E alora?
The place blew up each time I played Crookers at Spy Bar.
Friday wasn’t the greatest club we’ve played in, but when Gorky’s voice was lowered down in that Africa Africa-break in the Crookers Remix of Gasolina it felt so good.
Et ils sont des Italiens, franchement, c’est pas ouf ça ?
Je sortais avec une Italienne pendant un an et demi, et tous que j’ai vu c’était des boîtes avec des piscines et du feu partout, des petits cocktails rose avec des baies et des mec qui se rasent les jambes au moins une fois par semaine.
Je trouve les italiens super bizarres. Un pays avec 99% tribal-house et des chemises en argent, et puis t’as Crookers.
Mi piace !
The Way I Are (Crookers Remix) - Timbaland
The Salmon Dance (Crookers Remix) - The Chemical Brothers
By: DBTY Int. at 6:10 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, December 8, 2007, linus! wrote:
Boom! Boom! Boom!
I never thought that we actually would get to the point that a cover of Vengaboys -Boom! Boom! Boom! would hit us, (actually, according to wikipedia vengaboys song is just a cover as well, but who cares?) and when it actually does, its of course by the king of sleeazy-cheezy covers with stupid lyrics, Mr. Elephant Man.
Elephant Man - Boom Boom Boom (Up & Live riddim)
I guess it was just a matter of time though, everybody seems to love the 90's nowadays.. Soon, im sure Vengaboys will join Spice girls on their "long awaited" tour. Hopefully, Sweden is too far away, and too hard to get ahold of drugs for them to bother to come here..
Vocie Mail - Up & Live (Up & Live riddim)
By: linus! at 2:43 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: dance hallon Wednesday, December 5, 2007, Martin wrote:
Future Addiction
In a not so distant future we will have 3d-capable flash sites, wifi-syncing iPhones and, yes you're right!, the fifth Kitsuné Maison compilation.
Until the 10th of december:
Alan Braxe - Addicted
Ps. It's crazy good!
By: Martin at 11:41 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, December 4, 2007, Shoré wrote:
Hickeys and Handcuffs
When I was a little girl I used to drive my older brother nutts playing the same song on repeat for hours and hours. I don’t think it was as much the songs being played over and over again as me actually singing/rapping along EVERY TIME that bothered him so much you could actually see his head turn red and then explode.
I still do this shit ‘cause of two things: first when I love sumthin I love it, and second I’m a real lyrics fascist.
So if your lyrics are made of bullshit you can back it up with a beat that just can’t leave the listner sitting still and a catchy bullshit chorus. like dancehall, reaggeaton and Kelis always do. Listen to this and you’ll be singing about hickeys in no time. Kelis - Ah shit
Now mr Hova has dropped a new album namned American Gangstar. Like always with Jay-Z the production of this album is phat with a capital P. I really liked it the first time I listend to it, but it just doesn’t make me wanna press the repeat button on my stereo or even learn the lyrics so I can sing along (which I do, as I pointed out earlier, to the point where peoples heads blow off). Fallin’ featuring Bilal makes me wanna listen to my Bilal album, Party life makes me wanna listen to some old soul music and Blue magic (which is my favorite so far) could as well have been instrumental with just Pharrell singing the chorus. And this isn’t cause i don’t like Jay-Z, Reasonable Doubt is one of my alltime favorite hip hop albums.
Lupe Fiascos new album Trials and Tribulations on the other hand is totally made of awesome. The song Handcuffs has been making the furniture in my appartment vibrate for a whole week now. Download it, then turn your volume up to maximum. it's kind of like Xibit said "With a dick in your ear, you still couldn't fuck with his sound"
By: Shoré at 7:45 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, December 3, 2007, Pier wrote:
Boys On Top
Rencontre avec Filip Dean Junior. Un bon gars comme il faut qui fait suer les jeunes clubbers rennais. Au fait, Filip, merci pour le set que t'as laché après Bonde Do Role... Vivement la prochaine! Oh putain! La prochaine, c'est déja dans 4 jours!!! Alors les gens, allez foutre votre bordel aux Trans!
DBTY. Est-ce que tu peux nous retracer brievement ton parcours?
FILIP. Philippe, 22 ans, enfant des années 90 nourrit à la house filtrée, l'euro-dance et le rap mainstream qui passaient en boucle au top 50 de MTV. Puis la culture skate à l'adolescence m'a converti à des trucs musicalement plus pointu : du punk dégueulasse des Misfits, au rap futuriste de Cannibal Ox, en passant par l'electro compliquée de Richard D. James. Maintenant, surtout un fan d'Acid House, de Techno minimal germanique et de turbines anglaises produites par Dave "Switch" Taylor.
L'esprit de mes mixs sont à l'image d'un peu tout ça : pleins de choses improbables mises ensembles dans le but de faire suer le maximum de gens.
DBTY. Est-ce qu'en plus des mixs, tu vas passer à la prod?
Filip. A vrai dire, j'y travaille de pied ferme depuis quelques mois avec mon ami Henry Quatre/Dang Khoa. On éspère pouvoir d'ici début 2008, faire écouter des choses prometteuses aux gens.
DBTY. Juste 2 mots:
DBTY. Petit agenda de boys on top ?
FILIP. Le nouvel an Dirty Boyz au Mondo Bizarro à Rennes : en association avec les soirées We Like it Dirty.
En 2008 pas mal de choses en préparation, certainement des soirées régulières au Mondo Bizarro avec des invités de luxe qu'on a rarement ou jamais l'ocasion de voir à Rennes...
Puis, là on bosse avec le collectif Je Deteste la Musique (http://www.myspace.com/jdtstlmsq), originaire de Grenoble, pour 2 soirées communes (à Rennes d'abord, puis la semaine d'après sur Grenoble) : ça devrait voir le jour courant Février 2008.
DBTY. Mot de la fin?
FILIP. Merci à vous, venez nombreux aux Transmusicales le Vendredi 7 Decembre. Et préparez vous pour la Nerds Can Dance 3, qui aura lieu à l'UBU fin Mars 2008 : soirée de l'année !
D'ici là, venez sur ma page régulièrement, un mix à downloader chaque mois. Bisou
Filip Dean Junior. Jew "E" December Mix
By: Pier at 11:31 AM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: B-more, Electro, Euro-Dance, mixtapeon Sunday, December 2, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
Red Red Cap
So almost everything in my life has been related to that short Italian guy with the jolly moustache and the funny pants for the last two weeks.
First my brother bought Super Mario Galaxy, which is like magic on a screen. Perhaps the most awesome game this year, though this gaming year has been the craziest since 2002, which makes it the craziest gaming year ever.
Super Mario Galaxy is, anywho, one of the three best games released in 2007. It’s fucking controller-pad-perfection. The graphics, sound and the over all aesthetics suck ass, but who cares when it feels like being in that song Flowing by Sade when playing it.
Now the guy who invented Mario is of course Shigeru Miyamoto. He’s this kind of geeky Japanese dude. But he’s also one of this towns most talented producers of electronic music.
Shigeru started sending over his songs to our DBTY-mailbox about the same time a started playing Super Mario Galaxy: now is that a coincidence or fate?
Who knows.
What I do know is that Happy Drummer Boy is his most greatest song yet.
Thank you!
By: DBTY Int. at 5:38 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, November 29, 2007, v för vem wrote:
A Night at the Opera
"Just throw a couple of tracks on a CD and burn it to me, you don't need to put any back in to it." Yeah, like I'm capable of doing that. I'm a music fascist you moron! I have such a split feeling towards that kind of request. I mean, on one hand I'm extremely flattered that ppl enjoy what I do, but I need my 8h of sleep at night. Keeping my up plotting tracks... you should know better! Anywho, here's a lil' sum I put together yesterday between my daily power naps(yeah in plural). It's a half live, haft "cubase-technology way beyond my capability" -mix. I haven't had the time to actually listen thro the final cut, because aliens abducted my hearing organs this morning, or any other bad excuse if you think the mix is week. I'll thro up the track list this weekend if anyone is interested.
v för vem - 1 night stand
It's almost as if I'll be at the costume party tomorrow. Play the mix and image Groucho Marx behind the wheels of steel. Enjoy!
By: v för vem at 11:13 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: mixtapeon Monday, November 26, 2007, Pier wrote:
Oh la belle vie !
Franchement... Qui n'a jamais révé d'être riche, célèbre, de pouvoir voyager, de vivre de sa passion? je me le demande, qui? Comment en arriver là? Est-ce qu'on doit parler de réussite, de travail, de sacrifice ?
C'est certain, Diplo fait partie de cette catégorie de personnes, celle qui prend son pied! Mais faut pas oublier que ce mec bosse comme un poney!
Imaginez ce gars-là, qui voyage toute l'année, n'a pas de vacances mais il reste sympa, cool quoi. Lorsqu'il revient d'Afrique, d'Angleterre, du Brésil ou de Baltimore, c'est pour nous offrir sur un plateau M.I.A, CSS, Bonde do role, Dj Blaqstarr, Rye Rye... C'est à dire tout ce qui est susceptible de foutre un putain de bordel sur un dancefloor! Ouais, en fait, il est vraiment cool Diplo!
Alors qu'est-ce qu'on dit au Monsieur qui t'offre de la Baile Funk, de la Baltimore, de l'electro... Qu'est-ce qu'on dit? Et bien on dit MERCI! Bah ouais normal quoi... Juste retour, parce sans Diplo, et bien vous ne serez peut être pas en train de vous la péter en soirée!
Samim. Heater (Diplo remix)
Diplo feat. Rye Rye. Wassupwassup
Eli & Diplo. D.A.N.C.E
Bonde Do Role. Gasolina (Crookers Crunk Remix)
By: Pier at 3:56 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, November 25, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
I've Been Seeing Things
Scottie B Friday.
Happy Nation yesterday.
And now my body hurts in so many ways.
Early Reminder:
DBTY @ Nada Bar the 19th Dec.
Don’t Miss Out The Youth!
Our friends at Steady Mobbin hooked us up with the new and awesome LL.Cool.Bee-mixtape. Rox as usual. Thanx dudes.
LL.Cool.B - Act A Fool Mixtape
By: DBTY Int. at 5:13 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Labels: mixtapeNorwegian wood
So, im reading this book, Norwegian wood, by this japanese guy, Haruki Murakami. Its pretty much like Catcher in the rye, only with even more sex, booze, jazz references, love and bitter life views. Totally awesome.
So while you listen to this, imagine you sitting alone in a small jazz bar in some half fishy district of tokyo, its 1978 and your starting to get plastered on cheap vodka tonics, smoking as hell and trying not to think about That Girl..
Thelonious Monk - Honeysuckle Rose
The title of the book is a reference to a beatles song which I dont like, so instead you'll get another one:
The beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
And as a bonus(I know this one was kind of big in the bloggosphere some months ago, but for those of you who may have missed it):Wu Tang Clan - The Heart gently Weeps feat. Erykah Badu This one's a real killer!
By: linus! at 4:23 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, November 22, 2007, v för vem wrote:
White men can't jump.
I have this friend who I hold highly on the subject Music. He's not a professional musician or anything like that. Dudes actually in a totally other line of work, graphics some might say(thanks kanye for helping me putting that slapper cover together). Never the less the man been given a fine musical ear. From time to time my friend puts some "real" music in my headphones, stuff like John Mayer, Chris Cornell, Duncan Sheik. Always to get the same bored expression of my face. I go on about how it's the same sing and song writer with a guitar, doing the same thing we heard thousands of times, its not necessary bad, just not giving me that goose bump feelin Shoré mention.
A while back, I'm at my parents house (it contains a TV, how '90 isn't that) flipping through the channels, when I see this awesome music video, Morning Yearning by Ben Harper. To my surprise, I'm really enjoying what I'm hearing. I couldn't wait to tell my friend of my new discovery. How I for once might found something that surely fit his music taste too. Was I in for a surprise when he told me that he been playing Ben Haper over and over again, in hope of convert me. Actually he'd been playing that very song not too long ago. Confused about this event, I've recently been analyzing how I came to like this track. What's the difference between Ben Harper and lets say, John Mayer or Chris Cornell? And why didn't I like Ben Harper until i saw the video? And it all got so clear. I'm not sure why I have this infatuation with African American musicians, but if you check my record collections, it definitely confirms it.
Does this make me a racist?
On that note, let get back to the program. Here's an exception I manage to find in my record collection, Scottie B (aka Scotty B).
Scotty B - We Don't Give a Fuck
Scotty B - Dosey Doe (Original)
M.I.A - Bucky Done Gun (scotty b and king tuts remix)
Gasolina (Scottie B & King Tutt Remix)
Go here to get more.
Scotty @ Berns this friday, don't miss it!
By: v för vem at 9:13 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, Shoré wrote:
Michel, Cody and Me
Everyone who knows me knows I’m on a first name basis with the artists I love. I fell in love with Cody when I first heard his album the Headphone masterpiece in 2004. It’s been three years now and the same album (which is his only one) still gives me goose bumps.
Cody’s like that boy that always puts a smile on your face when he comes around the corner, that boy that will never bore your brains out. The boy that takes you to a total state of euphoria when smoking ganja. He’s simply special. Cody Chesnutt - Serve this royalty
Michel’s made of awsome. I saw his Human Nature when it came to the swedish cinema in 2002. It got even better with Eternal Sunshine in 2004. Then he made Dave Chappelles Block Party which filmfestivalen showed outdoors at Tantolunden 2006. I saw my all time favorite The Science of sleep in the beining of 2007. I’ve seen all of Michels movies in the (retarded swedish) cinema a year after they were released because they give me a visual orgasm.
Now Michel’s hitting klimax with Be kind Rewind starin Jack Black and Mos Def thats coming in 2008. So should I just download it on my computer? No. I know that seeing a Michael movie on a small screen will be like having sex with a rubber on. It will leave me soar and unsatisfied.
Here’s colaboration between two of my favorite boys. When you smoke weed, listen to Cody and close your eyes this is what you see. It doesn’t get any better than this.
By: Shoré at 8:36 PM | 4 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, November 18, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
Beautiful DBTY!
I’m in love!
I love us.
I love DBTY.
I love each and every one of you.
I love everybody that came Friday and made it magic.
I love Vemdetta for being the best Dj in the world.
I love my brother Lenny Drama for making us look so good.
I love Super F for turning the dancefloor in to a battlefield.
I love Gardendwarf for always tearing up the place, and for writing blogposts that actually mean something.
I love Martin for promising to make the next set even better.
And most of all I truly, madly, deeply love all of you other dudes who supported us: The Swede, The B, Johnny B Good, N00bster, Zizi, Boki, Mona, Shigeru, Godmother, Schtekman, Osky and everybody I forgot.
Thanx for dancing like crazy.
And thanx for the screaming, the fists in the air and the jumping when I played this one:
Gentlemen Drivers - 2042 L.A Dreams
The fucking song of the year.
Je vous aime, vraiment!
Ps. 200 + next time, right?
By: DBTY Int. at 3:23 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Friday, November 16, 2007, linus! wrote:
The world is coming to our party tonight
Aaight.. so if you didnt know allready, DBTY is playin at Spybar, Stockholm tonight. If you're in town, dont miss out!
Cody Chesnutt - The World Is Coming to My Party
Justice - The Party feat. Uffie (LA Riots Party Dub)
(from the excellent Palms Out Sounds)
Bonus:T.O.K. - Intergalactic (Party Time Riddim)
By: linus! at 4:33 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, Shoré wrote:
That's my cool and I can't take it off!
I’m taking a course on postkolnialism and whiteness studies right now thats really intressting. It’s basically about how europeans fucked up the entire planet and declared themselves superior to all other races some 200 years ago and how this still lives on today in manny ways. This made me think of this beautiful song by Eddie Murphy .
Since this is a course in my film studies it’s linked to how non-white people are represented in film and other popular culture, in other words: how stereotypes are made. One theorist writes about how this has brought forward a black working-class maleness that’s coded as cool. The theoris gives an exaple from Pulp Fiction saying that John Travolta acts cool whilst Samuel L Jackson is cool, because the black male character appears not to be acting, he just is. Isn’t that fucking awsome!
My opinion is that this serves for the represention of african americans not africans. So where does that leave Adam Tensta? I haven’t really formed an opinion about this dude yet . His lyrics sort of suck, and i used to think he’s flow was wack too. And what’s up with naming yourself by a suburban area?!!! Like a friend once said “ Man FÅR inte heta Adam Tensta, det borde vara olagligt”
But I gotta admit his latest song is fucking PHAT! Maybee he’s cool after all.
Adam Tensta - My cool
By: Shoré at 3:13 PM | 7 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, November 11, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
Can i get some peace or what?!
“Can I please be left alone while taking a crap!?!,” the dude at the toilet screams.
As we enter the small restroom of Spy Bar in Stockholm, we’re all three chocked by the fact that there’s a guy dumping his joy in the white big bowl with the door half-way open.
The dude at the toilet is now screaming for help.
“Tom!? Toooom!”
Apparently his two friends has left the room. This is where I start laughing hysterically.
“Geet ouut!”, a tall guy with a funny looking hat enters and opens the door of the toilet. He turns around blushing.
By now we’ve finished taking a piss.
“Leave me alone”.
I can now see the dude since the tall guy didn’t bother to close the door.
He’s sitting with his head between the legs, his pants dropped to his ankles, he’s holding a roll of paper in his hand and he does not look happy.
We leave.
Someone else enters, and he restarts.
“Leave me alone I’m taking a crap!!!”
Horrible what drugs and alcohol can do to a man, but somewhere in his screaming and pooing I still could understand this little toilet-dude.
Sometimes all you want’s a little peace and quiet.
That’s the name of a fantastic song I got from Stockholm-born producer Shigeru (yes, there’s been lot’s of video-games @ DBTY lately, not my fault though).
If Shigeru keeps up like this I think it is rather certain to say, he’s got the future in his hands!
Shigeru - Peace'n'Quiet
By: DBTY Int. at 2:48 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, November 8, 2007, v för vem wrote:
Baking soda + Cocaine
Hi, my name is Jerry and I am a playaholic. I've been clean for about 4 years now and I haven't had any serious relapses since "The Summer of DAOC"(it was more like 2 summers and everything in between). Yeah sure, I do a little bit of Dota now and then, just as a reminder of the good old days, but its under strict controlled conditions. I've been a slave under a good share of "titles", DAOC as a mentioned earlier, befor that LOD , even EQ and of course UO. These are the major heavy-use in my life. The list of light stuff or "in-between", well, I don't know where to begin . Some how I manage to dodge the latest arrival in the common playaholic arsenal, I'm of course talking about WoW. How I manage to do this is still a mystery, I usually tell myself that I've simply crown up, I wish...
Earlier this week, a got this call from a friend, lets call him bakin soda, introduceing me to this brand new release that just hit the street, lets call it cocaine. The mix, what can i tell you.
I know what you're thinking right about now. What's the big deal? You play some too? "Playing" guitar hero/sing star on your xbox/playstation with your friends Friday night, before you hit the club.
Diablo - Tristam
Matt Uelmen, the game worlds Hans Zimmer.
Dj Tameil - Street Fighter In Da Ghetto
(too keep a lil'bit of rep.)
By: v för vem at 9:19 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, November 7, 2007, Shoré wrote:
Most Definitely!
One of the hip hop sceens’ most original and talented cool cat is finally going to set foot in Sweden!
One of the topics that allways seems to come up when you’re speaking about Mos Def is strangely his sex appeal. For even though he’s no classical beauty there’s just something about him that makes all women wanna get down and dirty.
I think it’s fucked up how people throw themselves at celebreties or think they’re hot just cause they’re famous but when it comes to Mos Def I have to quote Ali G “I DEFINITELY would!”
Listen to these tracks then honestly tell me you’d leave your girl alone with him. Hell if
Mos Def is ever sent to prison even the badest thug will let Def pee on him like R.
Mos Def - Panties
Mos Def – World traveler
Mos Def – Foundation of love
By: Shoré at 12:08 AM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, November 4, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
The Beef is on!
So I have this friend right? Elsa her name is, but to some she’s known as Easy-E.
We went out drinking yesterday, and she told me how she was going out for the second day in a row. We’re sitting at a really small table, listening to a perfectly good B-more set, and so she continues: “And it’s like, I woke up this morning really hung-over”, she takes a sip of her beer, “And I was just dying to have beef you know? So basically what I did was, I strolled down to the Super Market and got me some juice, some eggs, and then, Beef. And I ate it, and it was good.”
Now, here’s my point, I mean, isn’t that totally weird? You dont just by Beef, you by a nice steak, hamburgers, lamb-chops, entre-côte and whatnot, but Just Beef?
I surely don’t approve. That opens for a lot of bizarre misunderstandings, like for example, say I’m applying for a course at the university, normally then I would have to specify what course that would be. Uknowhumsayin?
I don’t just take the application form and fill out like: Me, Easy-E of Midsummerkrans, hereby plan to attend The Course at The University next term. It should be something like: I’m applying for Political Science at The University of Stockholm.
But she stayed firm. That very morning she woke up craving for beef. And so she bought beef. Just Beef.
We argued about for a good hour or something, then we ended up doing the “Guess Wich Smiley I Am”-game. Which was also weird cause she looked like the same one every time. Confusing.
I really like Easy-Elsa though, nice gal, despite her ever so strange concept of Beef.
This song is so fucking awesome, it makes me think about global heating, that’s depressing. But the melody is perfect and euphoric and thas nice. Kinduva ambivalent experience really.
Roisin Murphy is awesome to, I want to marry her.
Róisín Murphy - Dear Miami
By: DBTY Int. at 5:50 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, November 3, 2007, linus! wrote:
the dark ages has begun...
Ok, this morning, as I went to work (on a fucking saturday!?) it was dark as night, the first snow was on the ground, it rained as hell and I think it was a typhoon blowin as well..
Now, as all swedes now, the part of the year (that lasts about 340 days) starts that makes you wonder why, and how did our ancestors manage to stay here? When they realized that their gods had abandoned them, why the hell didnt they took the first viking ship they saw out of here and sailed to.. ibiza?
two classics, perfect for mornings when you go to work and its armageddon outside:
Jedi Mind Tricks - Heavenly Divine
Platinum Pied Pipers - Detroit in the winter (Feat. invincible)
By: linus! at 10:06 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, November 1, 2007, Martin wrote:
Ken - don't want to go home!
So you guys probably home sick. It's those times. Everyones doing it... I'm doing it!
Ken, the perfect mixture of Ernst Kirsteiger and ODB, is not home. He never wants to go home. He just wants to cutta dom.
Ken - cutta dom
By: Martin at 12:32 AM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, October 28, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
The Warmth
So I’m coming down from the hangover of the century. I mean the hangover where you have a forty degrees worth of fever, hallucinate and wake up wearing nothing but socks, soaked with sweat, having changed your pillow for a pair of jeans, not really knowing where you are.
I didn’t go out yesterday, but Friday. Me and fellow dbty-member Linus had a plan: getting only moderately drunk, being in bed before twelve, for a focused Saturday of hard work.
The plan failed.
So five o’clock Saturday morning I’m sitting half naked on a fucking truck screaming Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams my hands full of flowers.
Four hours later I wake up and fall straight in to my living room table.
Now I’m starting to fell better, however. The only thing that got me through this horror-filled hung over week-end was the soothing music of Exploding Hearts
Please Gudmundur, give me more soon, release a record or, I don't know... This is to beautiful not to listen to every day for the rest of my life.
Exploding Hearts – Leaving Love, Chasing Light
Exploding Hearts – There’s Only One Thing
(Btw: Thanx to Joel Stockman 4 the awesome Exploding Hearts photo).
By: DBTY Int. at 5:49 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, October 27, 2007, linus! wrote:
If you're like me, your so hungover today that you dont wanna listen to music at all. Never has the sound of silence sounded so good as today...
But who would I be posting my weekly post on a music blog without serving some music?
Ill start of with a digg deep down in the blues pile:
B.B King - Chains and Things
And if you're not like me (your head doesnt feel like it will explode) and you, maybe are getting ready to party (if so, go back to this post tomorrow and you will understand what im talking about) then you might enyoy this (but you should listen to the B.B King track first):
RZA (as Bobby Digital) - Can't Lose
good night...
By: linus! at 10:13 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, October 25, 2007, v för vem wrote:
Dbty exclusive!
V för Vem - Slappers for dummies
(direct link)
1. [00:00] Intro
2. [00:30] Dj Shadow ft. The Federation & Animaniaks - Turf Dancing
3. [02:17] Balance - Grind
4. [03:35] Rick Rich - This What It Is
5. [04:54] The Pack ft. Dem Franchize Boyz - Fresh (a cappella) / Natasha ft. Clips - So Sick (instrumental) (V Blend)
6. [05:55] Nump ft. Battle Loc - Beatin' Up The Block
7. [07:15] Smitty Grands - Getcha Ass Up
8. [07:52] Zion I - Top Down
9. [09:12] Balance - He's Fly
10. [10:23] Aviators - Cool
11. [11:43] GorillaPits ft. Keak Da Sneak & Turf Talk - Scrapin'
12. [13:24] The Pack ft. rue - Wolfpack U Bitch
13. [14:45] The Pack - 2 Dumb
14. [16:17] Mugzi ft. Mr Kee & Mistah F.A.B. - Go Dumb Music
15. [17:11] Burner - Stupid Crazy Retarded
16. [17:47] The Pack - At The Club (a cappella) / E-40 - Tell Me When To Go (instrumental) ( V Blend)
17. [19:27] Shake Da Mayor - Stunner Shades
18. [21:07] Izz Thizz - Gas, Scrape
19. [21:38] Turf Talk ft. Dem Hoodstarz - Wakin' Em Up
20. [22:32] Mistah F.A.B. - Ghost Ride It
21. [24:36] J-Diggs ft. Bleu Davinci & Shig - Hangin' Out The Sunroof
22. [25:49] Mistah F.A.B. ft. Too Short - Sideshow (remix)
23. [26:43] Fedration - Scraper To a Benz
24. [27:37] E-40 ft. Keak Da Sneak & Turf Talk - Muscle Cars
25. [28:43] Mistah F.A.B. - Super Sic Wit It
26. [30:27] E-40 ft. Stress-Matic - The Dummy
27. [31:28] Turf Talk ft. e-40 & Stress - It's A Slumper
28. [32:46] Keak Da Sneak ft. Messy Marv - Cos Cos (a cappella) / The Pack - Vans (instrumental) (V Blend)
29. [33:48] The Pack ft. Too Short - Vans (Remix)
30. [34:29] The Pack - Vans (a cappella) / Yung Kuntry - Pattycake (instrumental) (V Blend)
31. [35:29] Dem Hoodstarz ft. Mistah F.A.B. - Grown Man (Remix)
32. [37:07] Keak Da Sneak - Super Hyphy
33. [38:03] Keak Da Sneak - Sneak Come Out At Night
34. [38:49] Mistah F.A.B - Kick Out The Club
35. [40:18] Mac Dre - Feeling Myself
36. [40:51] Mistah F.A.B. ft. Nash - Nation Of Thizzlam
37. [42:05] E-40 ft. Amanda Blank - White Gurl
38. [43:02] The Pack - We Sum Punk Rock
39. [44:07] Lee Majors - Hyper
40. [44:13] The Champions - The Bird
41. [46:37] Nump ft. Stress-Matic - I'm Famous
42. [47:53] The Cataracs ft. Mistah F.A.B., Droop-E & B-Slimm - Blueberries
43. [48:55] The Cataracs ft. The Pack - Bluebarry Afghani
44. [49:32] The Pack ft. Mistah F.A.B - Yes Sir
45. [51:10] The Team - Hyphy Jucie
46. [52:15] Too Short ft. E-40, Dolla Will & Mistah F.A.B. - I Want Your Girl
47. [53:08] Teamknoc ft. The Pack - Movie
48. [53:47] Dem Hoodstarz - Video Vixen
49. [54:57] The Pack - In My Car
50. [55:48] Allen Jay - Brand New
51. [56:42] The Cataracts - Blockhead
52. [57:26] Too Short ft. Mistah F.A.B. - Lose It
53. [58:56] Federation . I Wear My Stunna Glasses At Nite
54.[1:00:34]Mistah F.A.B. ft. Fabo & Too Short - Goin' Crazy (big Ol Butt)
55.[1:03:45]Mac Dre (demo 1984) [1:05:15]
Creative criticism is my best friend.
By: v för vem at 3:07 PM | 6 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, October 21, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
The Trees
A tree can be long, a tree can be short,
It has branches and leaves, of all different sorts,
A tree can be used for several things,
Trees can be friends, like in The Lord of The Rings,
Trees can be used, in combination with a stapler,
That’s when you turn trees in to paper
These phallic symbols of nature that we call trees,
Is also the home of squirrels and bees
Trees can be singers that are awesome and cool
Trees are so awesome, trees fucking rule!
Trees a rad, dammit it’s sick!
Check out this oldie but goldie remix:
Björk - Innocence (Simian Mobile Disco Twelve Inch Remix)
By: DBTY Int. at 4:36 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, October 20, 2007, linus! wrote:
Hmm... wtf!
So, this was hard.. first I was thinking all seriously about this.. Like c'mon, whos the best woman in my library; Erykah, Aaliyah, maybe M.i.a... Tweet, Lady Saw? Gotta have something with Minnie Riperton! And I need a good female rapper.. Missy would be pretty boring.. Jean Grae, that chic who is way tighter than Talib(which says alot!) on black girl pain, gotta have her!
And then I thought: naaah, boring, maybe I should be all rebel and just upload stupid-sexist-strip-music. Like "ass n titties, ass ass titties" or Pussy makes the world go round
And then I was all, wtf, its late, I need a ...
By: linus! at 8:18 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
Take it like Alan & Fred
It's still some kind of girls only week. So let's get this (girl)party started!!
When you are tired of New Young Pony Club this band is going to be the next big thing. Dragonettes had the great singel I Get Around included on the fourth Kitsuné Maison compilation. It was fantastique!
Now! Take on what ever shoes you are comfortable dancing in and listen to their semi-new singel remixed by our french favourites Alan and Fred. It's, as always with these two gentlemen, an instant banger.
Dragonette - Take it like a man (Alan Braxe & Fred Falke Remix)
By: Martin at 12:43 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, October 18, 2007, v för vem wrote:
Sleeping Beauty
I know this guy, who consider himself having a good taste in music. Sometimes when out at clubs, and the right person ask, he might even say he's a dj. The only obstacle in this mans life revolved around not having enough money to buy all 13 records at the vinyl store, and he was left with no other option that to leave one behind. Offcourse the 13th record was furious and lay a curse over our friend, that one day he would sting him self on a turntable-needle and fall in to a deep (musical) sleep filled with cheesy, easy digestible music that nor progress or provoke, and never leave much effect on the listener. (But the radio keeps playing it so it must be good right?) And our friend stayed in this musical-trance for a 100 years until a prince(ess) named Amanda Blank would awaken him.
Thank you Amanda, for arousing me from this sound-dazedness.
Amanda Blank and Xxxchange - Get It Now
Aaaron Lacrate feat Amanda Blank - Blow
Spank Rock - Bump (guest Amanda Blank)
Sweathearts - Finger Bangin'
(direct link)
Pay your respect here and find more ---> Sweatheartsweat
By: v för vem at 5:18 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, October 17, 2007, Martin wrote:
Pretty Girls - they just don't dance!
Felix Da Housecat is back! He just recently dropped his new single 'Like something 4 porno' - pretty lame but backed up with remixes by Teenage Bad Girl, Armand van Helden AND Kris Menace. Sick! But he saved the best for the last track 'Pretty Girls Don't Dance (What Should I Do?)'. Give me a remix of this! Now!
Felix Da Housecat - Pretty Girls Don't Dance (What Should I Do?)
By: Martin at 8:16 PM | 3 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Monday, October 15, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
Women’s week @ DBTY
We’re of course thrilled that Doris Lessing at last won the Nobel Prize in Literature, or to put it the way DBTY-member Linus did when he heard the news:
“Fucking finally, I mean she’s been puttin out them books for like years now, where’s the champaggon at?”
Anyways: Congratulations Doris, hope to see you at the banquet!
This of course led to the idea of following Horace’s example and keep giving kudos to those women who’s been putting it down for long time, and who deserves some cred.
So, without further a due, we give you one week of our favorite female artists: not because they’re females, just cause they’re awesome artists!
Yelle - Les Femmes
By: DBTY Int. at 11:32 AM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, October 14, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
First time I heard Charly Greane was on the Orgasmic tape: Rise and Rise of Orgasmic, Super F passed it to me about a year a go.
The first song of the tape: Stade De France, was fucking fantastix, Charly Greane featured with Cuiziner, and it was the bomb.
Then I kind of forgot about this French dude screaming “Okee!” all the time, claiming “We make music for the big shows like Jonny Halliday”, and “I’m the new Bertand Cantat, with a cap”.
So then yesterday, I ended up on his myspace by accident. We started talking and I was able to hustle two dope tracks from him. Charly Greane’s carrying on a tradition of French rap that DBTY totally dig.
Check him out, and don’t forget his words of wisdom, if you ever go to BX: “Okee, dans ma ville, on aime les gros bouls!”
Club Bordeaux – Charly Green
Fais Trembler – Charly Green
Btw: We’re now six @ DBTY – Martin will be starting for us, posting Wednesdays, we’re promised lots of House and texts about awesome technical stuff. Sounds awesome.
Welcome Martin!
This is teh line-up:
Mondays: Super F
Tuesdays: Shoré a.k.a Garden Dwarf
Wednesdays: Martin L
Thursdays: V
Saturdays: Linus!
Sundays: R - Dj Bouges Ton Cul
By: DBTY Int. at 2:08 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, October 13, 2007, linus! wrote:
Food for the rainy day
This time of the year, when it pisses outside twentyfourseven and the noise of constant rain against the ground makes it impossible to think happy thoughts, all you really wanna do is get really, really drunk (the ultimate is to get really, really drunk at home, so you dont have to get all soaked on the way to the bar)...
Leela James - Rain
Honestly, I cant understand why this girl isnt even bigger than she is. This voice is killing!
I got this one from my girlfriend a long, long time ago:
Astrud Gilberto - The Gentle Rain (rjd2 remix)
If it wasn't for the fact that shes got a fucking awesome music taste (like mine, of course) we could be all cheesy and call this our song, but I think we got a biiig bunch of those allready..
The Congos - Food For The Rainy Day Classic one. Not much more to say... Falsetto reggae from the golden days...
Miri Ben-Ari - Sunshine To The Rain Feat. Scarface & Anthony Hamilton
I cant decide whether this song is totally sucky or not (maybe even almost good?). Miri Ben-ari is, according to google, "The Hip-Hop Violinist" (that is sucky!) and the beat is a weird, jumpy violin-loop, but Scarface is a tight rapper and Anthony Hamilton got one of my favourite neo-soul voices, so I'll let it slip..
By: linus! at 9:44 PM | 5 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, October 11, 2007, v för vem wrote:
Working hard not to work.
I've been putting in work at frunkens kitchen for the past couple of weeks, cooking up a nice plate, strait of the bay. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, do your homework.
Mac Dre - Thizzle Dance
Trunk Boiz - Cupcake No Fillin'
By: v för vem at 7:24 PM | 1 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, October 7, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
A light in the dark
Yesterday some of the DBTY-crew went to the Vice-party in Stockholm. I how ever, did not go there. Why? One then asks herself. Why did you say no to free drinks, a Dizzee Rascal-concert and a Dj-set by Turkdisco? Why on earth would you do that?
Well, I had to work.
On one side its really cool because I get paid to do an interview with Greg Rizzer (Lead Designer on The Simpsons Game), an article on Neneh Cherry and yet another one on Jaqee. These are all awesome people that I actually am given money to talk to.
On the other side I can no longer spell to spraetime… Sparrtme. S.P.A.R.E.E.T.I.M.M….
You know the thingy with time that you can use as you want.
It was probably wonderful.
So what keeps me up in this darkness? Last week it was Boys Noize that got me through.
Today it’s the beautiful new DBTY-look that puts a smile on my face every time I look at it.
Hughe thanks to my brother Linus for fixing us up look sharp!
(Brothers From Different Mothers-Crew Tm.)
I’ll put up some Dizzee-songs today, too ease the pain from missing the showcase last night, and as a dedicas to the Big L.
This is just pure ardcore:
Oldskool (Pussyhole) – Dizzee Rascal
This is pure euphoria:
Wannabe – Dizzee Rascal
And ya’ll know this one already:
Sirens (Komatrohn Remix) – Dizze Rascal
I mean, couldn’t he be the best fucking rapper on the planet at the moment?
And now he’s on the best fucking blog on the planet…
By: DBTY Int. at 12:44 PM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Saturday, October 6, 2007, linus! wrote:
Brand New!!
Ok, so this is what I have done this week. Instead of doing things that I should have done (work, clean, the dishes, work-out, fika) I have given the blog a brand new face.
And for the love of music, I thought I'll be your own personal music bartender for a second. We start of with a slow, smooth White Russian and finish it of with an Old Fashion, a whiskey bomb that for sure will wake you up. Lets start:
First out: a big fucking guy with a sweet fucking voice; Tank.
Tank - Coldest
From the new album sex, love & pain btw...
and then, we put it up a notch, raise the volume, pump the base up on those big-speakers and play this banger by all our favorite rudebwoy Mr Kartel:
Vybz Kartel Feat. Nuclear - Sipping Sizzurp
Hope you digg!
By: linus! at 12:55 AM | 4 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Thursday, October 4, 2007, v för vem wrote:
The mind is a terrible thing to waste
Now and then my dad calls me about going on a fishing trip, nothing special, just some father son stuff i guess. We've been doing it as long as i can remember. We rarely have much to speak about during these trips and the lake mälaren in Stockholm is way to piloted to actually hold any fish. So we just sit in silence for a few hours. Lately I've been bringing my mp3player, to do my home work. It's a perfect spot to do some one-ear listening, I'm talking about that mainstream, top 40 releases listening.
This day in particular, was like any day other, no fish, some Mike Jones, Project Pat, that I'm So Hood remix with a line-up that would fill this hole page and a few more goodies, everything was going smooth until this happens.
Lupe Fiasco - Dumb It Down
Right now I feel like throwing my Serato-laptop into a brick wall.
By: v för vem at 5:21 PM | 4 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Wednesday, October 3, 2007, Shoré wrote:
Yummie bread!
Fashion comes from France and so does Pain Chocolate. For those of you who don’t know it’s this crispy bread that’s filled with warm creamy chocolate inside. I used to stuff my face with it every morning when I was in France this summer.
This Friday I went to this awsome party in a fashion office where I drank a lot of cheap beer and met a hermaphrodite called Mysterious. I also met a group of frenchies!
These mec francais actually knew some english and convinced me and my friend Fatty Murder to go with them to an ‘after’. Natrually on my way there I started saying everything and anything I know in french, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was: “je suis un pain chocolate chaud” (This frase is something that me and other members of DBTY always joke about since Super Fitta used that as a line to hook up with a swedish girl in Stockholm.)
Now one of the frenchies said “Yes! I am Kirikoo and we are Pain chokolat Crew, thats us”.
I remember laughing my loud and obnoxious laughter when hearing his statement then thinking Wow, Kirikoo, what an awesome ninja name and then finally replying: “ Well I’m pain chocolate chaud and my friend and I together form the ‘Oreo Crew’.”
We’re suddenly standing outside Spy Bar and I say “we’re not going in here c’est tros nulle and my friend fatty murder elle est tros bu, but let’s meet up later and get défense”.
These three fraises (meaning: It’s worthless, she’s drunk, and stoned) pretty much sum up my whole week in France and I remember walking away feeling so proud that I had learned such usefull fraises this summer. How awesome!
The next day I’m checking out the Caliroots blogspot to se the opening hours for their sneaker swap and I find this picture of the frenchies from the night before. Above it is a Flyer for the club ‘Buck and Grind’ where apparently Kirikoo and Pain Chokolat Crew will be performing.
Now how crazzzzzy is that?! These guys were for real! C’est tros bizare! Too bad i was too hungover to see the performance.
Here’s a song about the yummie bread, and a song from another group thats cool and french.
Joe Dassin - Les Petits Pains au Chocolat
Boys Noize - Deny
By: Shoré at 12:30 AM | 2 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Sunday, September 30, 2007, DBTY Int. wrote:
If you hear any noize...
This week has been crazy, I’ve been working non-stop Monday till Sunday, like ten hours a day. I’m fucking exhausted. Mostly because the Halo release forced me to write two reviews and two articles in four days. Now’s the last day of the week, the day to take a break and recharge.
What I am doing?
I’m at the fucking office since twelve o’clock trying to finish of my todolist from hell. I’m supposed to write one massive review of Final Fantasy Tactics, two shorties on two new ever so boooring pop-albums, finish of a review of new Samuel L. film Cleaner and write an editor ab00t a new article.
If I do not do this before tomorrow I am a dead man.
I chose life.
You want know the secret how to do work your self through this mount everest of assignements?
Drinking coffee like water and listening to Boys Noize of course!
So finally it’s here, the long awaited album. Dbty is giving you two already torn apart great tunes, and a new one, from the masters of the remix:
My Way (Kid Alex Boys Noize Rmx)
Alloy Mental (Boys Noize Rmx)
Lava Lava
By: DBTY Int. at 6:06 PM | 0 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us
on Tuesday, September 25, 2007, Shoré wrote:
Fashion is in da house!
Studying fashion is awesome. im reading this book by this really cool frenchie called Barthes who says that fashion is like linguistics, a sort of communication through symbols. And then im reading this other book by this not so cool dudette who writes about these freaks. Remember when you were a kid and used to play dress-up? Well some people actually still do this when they're grown up and call it lajv. The dudette wrote an entire 400 pages about how these lajvers go to Gotland for a week every year, dress up and then pretend they live in the middle-ages. And it's huge! Thousands of people from all over the world go there each year!
Now why the fuck would you wanna do that? It's not called the dark ages for nuthin' ya know! Exactly WHAT was better then? You had to ware wool clothes that gave you a rash, you did your doo doo in a bucket by your bed, and your personal hygiene was worse than the pigs you killed for lunch. To top that of your mom and dad were cousins, (which explains why you had 12 toes and two belly buttons) and your boyfriend had more diseases in his cock than he had teeth in his mouth. Need i say more?
If I would dress up and pretend i lived in a different space and time I'd probably cross-dress and pretend that I was some cool detective in a film noir movie. Mysterious jazz music would play wherever I went and the smoke from my cigar would always put a fog around my face. I would stroke my lips with my thumb like Bogart and drop cheesy but ever so cool lines like Gable. I was thinking about this when I looked at the photos on my computer and found a picture of this dude.
Which totally made me wonder, what world was he living in? And then i realized, he wasn't pretending at all! We here so much about styles that bubble up from the streets from youth cultures and become the latest fashion. But we don't know shit about the old and homeless street people and the fashion amongst them. I mean ganstarr rap about this dude who puts on all this jewelry (to state he's got benjamins), baggy jeans (to state he's been in jail and couldn't wear a belt) and is packin a gun (to state he's a bad as motha f'****) just to get a rep. I interpreted him all wrong, this dude in the picture is the big man on the block in his community! He's got a captains hat which states he's the boss. He's wearing sun glasses cause if you look him in the eyes he would have to kill you. And his dress is saying "I raped and killed your grandma' and took her shit with me".
Woooow! And here I'd thought that dressing up like that on the streets just made you get beat up more. It's a mazing how studying fashion has made me so like.....intellectual.
Gangstarr - Just to get a rep
By: Shoré at 7:11 PM | 5 comments | Share on facebook | Post to Del.icio.us